answer each question with only ONE word...
1. Yourself: annoyed
2. Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none
3. Your Hair: ugly
4. Your Mother:cool
5. Your Father: amazing
6. Your Favorite Item: mp3player
7. Your Dream Last Night: STAB
8. Your Favorite Drink:sobe
9. Your Dream House:shack
10. The Room You Are In:mine
11. Your Pet:dead
12. Who You Are Now: arzoo
13. Who You Want to be in Ten years: accopmlished
14. What You Want to be in Ten Years:astronomer
15. What You're Not:dumb
16. One of Your Wish list Items:happy
17. Your Gender:WOMAN
18. The Last Thing You Did:annoyed
19. What You Are Wearing:sweatpants
20. Your Favorite Season:winter
21. Your Favorite Book:twilight
22. The Last Thing You Ate:sandwich
23. Your Life: annoying
24. Your Mood: annoyed
25. Your Room: n3rd
26. Your Sport: Soccer
27. Your Hobby: Tech.
29. Your shoes:torn
30. Your car:wouldbeawsomeamazingcool
I used annoyed/annoying 4 times in that survey hmmmm yeah im grounded for having friends how cool, claire want to go downtown ALONE on friday?