A few years ago, George and i started thinking more carefully about the quality of food we ate...so, amongst other things, we started looking more closely at the ingredients list of packaged processed foods.
A lengthy rant about food additives... )
Comments 19
Yep, the link was still there...and i have to say it scared me even more than my info source did! Yes, the article is claimed to be false...and i agree it is majorly over the top, but i'm not willing to simply accept the one liners "safe for the general public" either. More or less safe, yes, i'm sure. But add that to all the other rubbish additives people pump into their bodies unaware and its the cocktail that worries me more.
In the 1950s average male sperm count was around 100 million. These days the average count is around 40 million (and below 20 million is considered to be sub-fertile). You have to wonder what has happened in the last 50 years. Well, highly processed food with all these additives is probably a start.
You're right...fresh is best and all things in moderation.
One of the other, less publicized problems of food additives is that they can and frequently do alter the body's ability to absorb the normal nutrients we get from the food we're eating. I can't think of a specific example off the top of my head - but I have a couple of very good books on the subject (books that reference the clinical studies in which these things were discovered). Sometimes the additives act on the food so that the nutritional benefits are negated or can't be absorbed by the body.
Unfortunately, some times it just seems we should go back to growing our own food and cooking it ourselves - but if we did that, none of us would have time to work!
I'm not worried about aspartame though, there's no actual evidence that there are any issues with it, and I wouldn't have much of it as I think the main source for people is diet drinks. If it did cause all of those problems (the fact that there are so many suggested symptoms and diseases is a red flag), it would have been pretty clear by now.
For me actual sugar is more of an issue as it gives me a rash (as do chocolate and tomatoes).
And yes, a lot of people react to natural foods too. But i sometimes wonder if the exposure to so much artificial stuff has made us more sensitive to natural stuff too?
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