so im in the phillipines! its really great. My family is really rich here, they have 3 maids and a guard. Yesterday when my uncle stoped by the citybank the guard had a shotgun. im going to try really hard to get a picture with one of those guys. Mabey while i am here i can get a digital camera. or mabey somethign but i will get pictures and i will
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im so mad right now, i could beat to death everyone in my general vacinity.(co-workers) i get no respect at all at this fukcing job, wanna know why? because im just some snot-nosed shit faced 19 year old asshole who deserves to get pushed around.
i've been working on these t-shirt designs for a while now, they are for this retail store in tumon. any how, if im lukcy mabey they will be on sale there soon.