Rules for Doctors/Staff
1) If you wish to make your character a doctor, please make sure that you have their medical history written out (i.e, the school they went to). Your doctor is not different from anyone elses, they do not have super healing powers.
2) If your doctor doesn't have a FULL medical degree in their department, then they're not a doctor. This means that we expect your character to be OF AGE in order to have already completed medical school. This means at LEAST 25 years of age.
3) We encourage you to use the fact that your character is a doctor or a part of the staff. However, if you wish to have your doctor operate on another person's character (NOT an NPC) then you MUST SEND THE ILLNESS AND CURE (if there is one) to the mods before carrying out the plot. We know that diseases can get out there and that's fine, but no one here is going to die of poisoned pixie dust. If a patient has a disease that hasn't been cured yet by any other doctors, your doctor does not just KNOW how to cure them, they need to work on it. If everyone was House then the RP would lose all fun.
4) Just because you're character is a part of the staff does not mean they have 24/7 access to the hospital. We expect to see NO posts of anyone breaking into the hospital with a key.
5) The character of Cuddy is played by a MOD for a reason. As the head of the hospital, if she puts your doctor somewhere they MUST go. We obviously will NOT make your character do anything without asking you first.
6) VERY IMPORTANT. If you are a doctor and wish to socialize a bit more, there is a community that doctors can post their
MEDICAL CASES in, that OTHER doctors can reply to and give their own opinion of the symptoms that show.