Apply to caseland

Sep 25, 2011 11:43

Episode 4 begins on October 4th, 2011.

Come & Join!

Current members: You do NOT need to reapply.Your journal should be at least two months old and show sign of activity - posts, friends, communities, whatever. This community is all about participation, so please consider seriously if you will be able to participate at least once every four ( Read more... )


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Comments 19

ms_geekette September 25 2011, 17:29:28 UTC
Did you mean for this post to be friends-locked?


jeweledvixen September 25 2011, 22:39:30 UTC
No, but when I posted it, LJ wouldn't let me change that setting. NOW it will, so I did. :)


jlm110108 September 26 2011, 00:45:34 UTC
I am slinking back in here to apologize for not participating at all last round, and to say that I'm going to be leaving Caseland. I really did have fun when I played, and instead of just not participating, I should have come to you and let you know I was leaving.



jeweledvixen September 28 2011, 04:47:56 UTC
Thank you for letting me know.


juliet42 September 27 2011, 15:44:14 UTC

Name: juliet32
Location and Timezone:EST
Order of Team preference:Morgue, Forensics, Cops

(I'd been trying to contact you for some time as had a computer crash and wasn't sure if I was still a member or leader. I'd like to be again, either or both. I just never received an answer.)


jeweledvixen September 28 2011, 04:55:09 UTC
Things got a little confused there for a while and if you sent your message to heffermonkey, that's why you never received an answer. Unfortunately, she is no longer with the community because real life got too complicated. I never received any messages from you or I would have replied.

You will definitely be on Team Morgue. I had removed you from the members list, but I am sending you invitations to caseland, case_bullpen and teammorgue. You just have to accept all three invitations and you're in. :D

I'm glad you're back and ready for Episode 4. :)


juliet42 September 28 2011, 18:32:49 UTC
Thanks. If you need an another team leader or anything just let me know.


sightsee October 27 2011, 12:34:24 UTC
Name: (username and your real first name if you wish to share it.) Averil
Location and Timezone: NZ
Order of Team preference: Any


gennfa November 3 2011, 19:13:00 UTC
Hope it's still okay to apply. I'm late with this one. I didn't re-apply to my Harry Potter landcomm, so I got a free spot now. That needs to be filled. ^^

Name: (username and your real first name if you wish to share it.) Aurora
Location and Timezone: Germany, GMT+1
Order of Team preference: Team Cops, Team Forensics, Team Morgue


jeweledvixen November 4 2011, 04:22:36 UTC
It always ok to apply. Welcome to caseland. I'll send you your invitations to caseland itself, case_bullpen and your team community later. It's after midnight here and I need my beauty sleep now. :)

By the way, how did you find caseland? Did someone recommend it to you? If so, who? I ask because if it was one of our members, they get points for recruiting a new member. :)


gennfa November 4 2011, 08:49:23 UTC
Sorry fpr being late. Was already bedtime yesterday when I applied. :)

It wasn't a member. I saw the comm on the affiliates list on one of my other landcomms. I was looking for another landcomm so I thought checking the profiles would be useful. :)


jeweledvixen November 4 2011, 17:36:23 UTC
That's great. Advertising works! Love your haunted house. :D


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