wait forgot to mention that at the first party, i saw everyone!!!!! fromm gary heller, to jamie frole, to nora and kathrine, and every senior and junior...it was crazy who i saw
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fun weekend...made money friday and then went out with jeremy and amanda on sat...hockey game...crazy frosh party where you couldnt even move there were soo mnay people...although ian and his message saved us because he left a message on jeremys cell and so we went outside to check it, and we saw the cops pull up and then just went to th car...the
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i think its amazing that the day i get off of grounding because i had people over whne my parents were away, my paretns leave me with the house again.. slightly ironic.... this does mean though that they still trust me which is always nice to know and to have...trust... key when dealing with parents...
having alot of fun at winter training...which is really weird...but i kind of love getting all swaety and working out and beating yourslef and winning the mind games that you play with yourself. but yeah its going well...except im walking like a chicken (whose knees bend he other way) and stairs are still a problem for me... anyway off grounding on
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great night with the old crew buddies...i love how momma lets me free for like doug and joe meds cause she loves them...anyway, spent whole day with joe medioli cathing up and talking about how he is the epitomy of the perfect boyfriend and how meghan was jealous of his boyfriendness and how he should teach a class on how to be a boyfriend that
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