Things to do when you have a broken leg #3: Write fic.
This was intended as a series of drabbles, but as always happens, my fingers got carried away on the very first section so it turned into a mini-story by itself. The next part is coming right after this. :)
Disclaimer: It's not real.
It wasn't at the airport. How could it possibly take place at the airport, with reporters probably hovering and if not, a handful of star-struck teenagers would be bound to notice? So the plane landed and Elijah paced, watching the clock, picturing the sequence of events as Dom passed through customs, collected his luggage and finally made it outside to hail a taxi.
Nor could it take place in front of the film crew, because then the hugs and tears would be expected, as would the laughter and cheering and nothing *real* would be said (only, perhaps that was the real them). And they would continue and those who didn't know would tease them - "So, when's the wedding?" and those that did know would assume that it had been nothing more than a lovers' quarrel.
The safest place was the pub, where the music could be so loud that they'd have no choice but to speak through their eyes and their hands. A glance, a spark, a shadow, and hands that fumbled in the dark could just as easily let go.
Or this.
A darkened apartment and events set in motion by nothing more than a simple text message.
"Want to share a place in NZ?"
And Elijah had been there for a while now, wondering if they'd done the right thing, because they'd never actually *spoken* about this (reconciliation? reunion? moving on?) and it all came down to the next few hours, finding the right rhythm to follow from here.
A car driving up the street, and Elijah's heart skipped in terrified anticipation, but it passed without stopping. He glanced at the clock, still too early, and the apartment was neatness personified. He wondered if Dom would notice.
Two rooms, with options. No pressure there. There wasn't supposed to be any pressure (but why was his heart in his throat and his mind turning it over and over, his blood pounding the message that 'Dom's coming, Dom's coming....')
Perhaps it should have been a party, with Sean and Billy and then the pressure would be gone because Billy would hug him and punch him and Elijah wouldn't have to do anything but wave and by the time the guests left, the tension would be gone. And they'd sit, in the dark, and quietly talk.
There. A car stopping, engine idling too long before a door finally opened. It was dark now and he couldn't bring himself to walk to the window, didn't want to look, didn't want to *see*, didn't want this moment to happen because he had no idea of how it was supposed to go and all of the rehearsed lines had flown from his head. The rumble of low voices, the slamming of the trunk, and at last, footsteps on the stairs. A pause.
A hesitant knock.
He opened the door, and Dom was there. ("Dommie! Ohgod I've missed you so much!" and throwing himself around the man in an exuberant hug) ("Hey there, sexy," in his best smouldering voice before kissing him passionately, then counting exactly three seconds before they both collapsed into giggles) ("Hi," said so softly, before the arms surrounding him and it was the sweetest embrace of coming home) ("Good to see ya, mate!" and a casual slap on the shoulder)
and what actually happened was a hesitant smile. "Hey, Doodle," Dom said as Elijah returned the smile, noticing the well-remembered spark in Dom's eyes, "want to help me with my stuff?" He gestured behind him and Elijah looked over the railing, noticing a pile of luggage still on the street.
"Sure," and he followed Dom down. In silence, they lifted the multitude of bags and carried them to the middle of the living room. Once inside, Dom found the lights, and Elijah closed the door. They looked at each other in quiet contemplation for long moments.
"I-" Elijah began, then found that his throat was thick and there couldn't possibly be tears glistening at the edges of his eyes but this was *Dom* standing right there and it had been so long. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you," Dom said, equally as softly, and suddenly they were hugging each other tightly, without even a breath of space between them, and it was all reunion Elijah could have hoped for.