i'm finally getting around to posting pictures of glacier np/montana and ecuador... sooooo here they are.
me, bria, and amy at ingapirca (inca ruins)
the group waiting on las escalinatas
bria, amy, and magda in el centro
amy and me in the pool room at the bar place underneath our school
jaime, me, bruce/diego, and juan pablo 1 outside the hooka bar
bria, magda, amy, and bruce/diego at juan pablo 1's house
we tried to teach the guys "nose goes" or "nariz va." yeah, that worked well. jaime, juan pablo 2, juan pablo 1
our food. ah just kidding, the food was actually really good. i don't know what was up with this broccoli though.
our walk to work everyday. walking down was nice, but walking back up the hill of doom was pretty hellish.
thuja and me trying to level the trail
lil d going at a rock with the pickmatic while pelo watches
the group at the top of mt. jackson
martha after her sledding accident...
us kids at the trail head for our backpacking rec trip
the girls (thuja martha me) on top of some rock cliff thing during rec trip