
Feb 21, 2010 10:38

So the last 6 months I have been working my ass off hoping to get a riase at my job and they put a freeze on raises. seriously? that really blows. And now they are asking me to work full time there and still keep my weekend jobs So thats 42 hours at this job a week. Working two weeks straigh without a day off getting two days off and then working ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

sarah_see March 3 2010, 15:32:21 UTC
You change your mind on shit as often as you change your underwear. What happened to Hawaii? Or anywhere else with me, for that matter?


cashburn March 3 2010, 15:38:22 UTC
Actually I have been wanting to move out for a long time and I am sorry that ones week worth of fun is not worth as much as few months worth of total freedom to me? And i have been planning on vegas since last year with my mom and aunt. The moment you lost your job I honestly didnt think hawaii was going to be a serious thing? I feel like you should be saving instead of spending the free money you get and I thought you were going to try to do spring break with your friends who are seniors? so i thought that was going to be your trip? I can plan hawaii with you I cant do it anytime soon because of my job and I cant change that


sarah_see March 3 2010, 16:01:38 UTC
I understand that. Notice all the "I thoughts" and "I didn't thinks"...it's not that big of a deal..and trust me, I'm pretty sure I know better than anyyyone else how valuable that "free money" is considering I went without for like 2 months. I won't even give you my opinion on moving out for a few months, although idk where you could even do that since most places require you to sign a 1 year lease and a credit check...If you don't want to do Hawaii, say so now, and I'll make other plans...shit maybe I'll just go by myself. Haha you say "one weeks worth of fun" like it's nothing...read your past entry about how amazing Hawaii "is gonna be" etc...proving my point clearly. I'm not trying to fight with you, those are not my intentions..you need to do what's right for you. I said the other day, I don't care when we do it, let's do it in may..you said "hahaha idk"

again not trying to fight with you, you just change your mind on things daily so I guess I can't keep up


sarah_see March 3 2010, 16:16:50 UTC
PS- I love you.


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