Drabble: 3xD (Rip Away My Sanity NC-17) and question

Mar 07, 2006 07:26

Two things:

One I come bearing 3xD smut drabble goodness...

Title: Rip Away My Sanity
Author: casper_san
Rating: NC-17!!
Pairing: 3xD for centi_porn
AN: I never said I was going to play nice with them.
She wanted to consume him. Closing the space between her naked form against his rough one, Dorothy cut off his breathing with her two very silky lips as her hands began to dance about his chest and down his front.

Hands circled around something hard and waiting.

A smirk crossed the wicked lips.

It was there. He broke. She was his.

Ripping away everything, he was motionless as she toyed with him.

No fighting back.

Not wanting freedom.

She was his and he was hers.

Her lips touched the pre-cumming member as a hard swallow made its way down.


and two, how do you cross post? I losteded...

(Yeah, I'm home. Again. Stomach issues came back when I was asleep, hence why I am awake and writing.)

drabble, question, 3xd, nc-17

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