Another Drabble Strikes

Jul 14, 2005 15:21

Title: Tears

Author: Lady Casper

Pairing: 1 x R (Mostly Relena's Pov.)

Rating: Pg-ish

Notes: This came from an inspiration by Switchfoot. I blame them.

Disclaimer: Don't Own Gundam Wing. Obviously.

Don’t close your eyes.

I say that in my sleep. I fear what lies behind those closed lids. Don’t fall asleep. Don’t fall into the nightmare of the truth. I wish I could change all of what has taken over this world. No longer, the world walks in peace instead runs into battle. People no longer speak with cheer and instead holler with vengeance.

As the night shifts into different colors of darkness, I wonder. What happens when everything stops? What if everyone falls asleep and dreams happily. Utopia. That is the place this world would be in a destiny of slumber.

Tears slide down my face as I hear another scream echo in the dungeons. How many more must be slain until all but one claims freedom and chants peace to the people yet again?

The days are thinning out as is my hope. I have counted again and again and reassured myself that they would come for me before my time in this life is cut short by the devil’s hands himself.

Moonlight pours in from the gaps of my window that sits right above me. I let it take a hold of me and embrace the feel of it. It is my only friend in this place. I wait day after day for my companion to show and pour the light upon me so I may be for a moment…free.

Another sound of screams sends a shiver down my spine. It was a child’s voice. My heart beats faster. No mercy for children either. Then no hopes for a little mercy shown on a bringer of peace I guess. A hot tear passes my lips again, its sign of sadness for the little one who had to suffer in such a young life.

Over two weeks I’ve been staying in this place called a cell. It reeks of vomit and feces. I almost want to loose my bread and water. Rats scamper across the floor every so often and out of instinct I lift my feet on to the rackety bed.

Deferentially I stand on my bed and look out to the moon’s round face. He smiles down on me and I actually smile back softly.

“Tell me old friend, when will they come?” I ask. That question has always been asked for as long as I’ve been in here, talking to my moonshine companion.

In a silent whisper the winds kick up a bit and I feel the breeze touch my face like a hand would be pressed against a child’s face as they caress you till all the nightmares go away.

“Soon.” I think to myself. Not only do I wish to leave with my friends help but to see them, hug them, tell them I care about them.

I look back up to the moon again and almost see him winking at me as if he read my thoughts. “Heero.”

The messenger who was sent from them told me that they would be arriving in the next few days. It has been two already. The master of the dungeon has sentenced me to death in a couple of days from now. They wanted to see me squirm in my cell before they put me to death. So far they haven’t seen much as I diligently accept my fate.

A shooting star shoots across the sky, scrapping the midnight’s dark blue. There on there way.


Iron rubbing against metal clanks towards my cell. A sturdy voice comes through the wooden door. “They have moved your sentence. You shall be executed tonight.”

“Hurry.” This time a tear slides down not from sadness or frustration of being put to death but because finally I see the glistening of a pair of Prussian blue eyes looking up at me.

“My knight from the stars has finally come.” A smile graces my lips.



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