answers to questions

Feb 16, 2009 10:04

Hello all! I've been fairly quiet on LJ recently due to several factors - being pretty busy at work being the biggest - but if there's one thing that will make me post, it's BSG.

I am loving Season 4.5 thus far. The aftermath of finding Earth, the mutiny, and the backstory of the Cylon origins are all pretty darn brilliant.

I am reminded of a couple of wonderings I had months ago, namely whether we'd see the following characters again: Apollo (not just Mr. Lee Adama), Chief (not just Galen Tyrol), Natalie, Cavil, and Boomer.

I feel like Apollo came back a bit during the mutiny. No, he's not a Viper Jock anymore, and no I don't think he ever will be again (except maybe one last flight in the finale), but his fighting alongside Starbuck was definitely Apollo in action. And I am interested to see him as the kinda-sorta-heavy-lifting-President.

Chief is definitely back. I felt like he was back during the mutiny, but Adama made it official with the title and all during the last episode. It's good to have him back. His chuckle when Sam told the Final Fivers that Galen and Tory were in love on Earth was priceless. Very interested to see how he deals with Boomer's return. Especially now that he's kinda her father.

Natalie is still dead. Darn.

Cavil and Boomer are obviously back. Two things about that: I have felt for a long, long time that Cavil knew exactly who the Final Five were. This was probably obvious to everyone, but I'd just like to point out that I caught it, too. I had also been half-expecting and half-hoping that Boomer would eventually return to the fleet. Interested to see where this goes.

How are you liking the final episodes?


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