So you want to read Clockwork Prince? YA Tourney: Team Jace: The Big Guns edition!

Aug 10, 2011 21:10

Whoa! So the "YA" Crush Tourney" is still going on" and Jace has 13,090 votes which is insane. I don't know how to thank you all for voting for him.

The clock is ticking down on the contest - we've got ten more hours to go and the overnight hours are always the toughest! So to keep people going during the night (and the day in Australia and NZ - shoutout to Down Under cause I'm counting on you!) I want you to vote and then post about the contest, with a note that you voted, somewhere - twitter, facebook, tumblr, I don't care - between 8 pm and 8am Central Standard Time! As long as you can link to it. Because once you do it, I'd like you to come back here and drop a link to your post into the comments. Anonymous, with an ID, it doesn't matter - as long as the link works, is time-stamped, and you tell me you voted (that part is an honor system cos I can't check) I'll enter you into a giveaway to win an ARC of Clockwork Prince. *

The ARCs should be out in 3 weeks or so, and they are making only a limited amount - maybe a hundred - and this is the last time I'll have ARCs for a book, so this is a collector's item. :) All you have to do is

1) vote for Jace
2) post somewheres during *my* overnight about the contest in a manner you can link to and that is time-stamped between 8pm and 8am American Central Standard Time) (11am to 10 Aussie time, etc, I'll figure it out)about the contest, link to it, and ask people to vote for Jace
3) post the link here - if you post anonymously, give me some handle by which I can identify you in case you win, even if it's Goldidoodle Thisteldean
4) Profit! Well, more like "Maybe win an ARC and be one of the few people in the world who get to read this book early!"

Cool, right? Now go spread the news. And the link.

*Contest open to anyone in the world who cares to post between 8pm and 8am central
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