1) Full name: Sanne (no other names)
2) Male/Female: Female
3) Were you named after anyone? No. My parents were aiming for originality. Unfortunaltely for them, two years later 'Sanne' was the most popular girl's name in Holland :D
4) Does your name mean anything? Don't think so.
5) Nickname(s): Cassanne, Cass
6) What do you think you look like... name wise: you mean the name I should have? To go with my looks? I dunno.
7) Date of birth: 7 july 1982
8) Place of birth and current location: Haarlem / Utrecht
9) Nationality: Dutch
10) Astrology sign: Cancer
11) Chinese astrology sign: Dog
12) Religion: Agnostic/Sceptic
13) What's your favorite smell? hmm... cinnamon. Fresly fallen chestnuts (a subtle scent, but very nice). Clean human. Sandalwood. The mixed smells of fresh herbs.
14) Political Position? Sceptic. I'd vote for any long term thinkers. But there aren't any. So... green, I'd say.
15) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Tea. Fresh fruit juice.
16) Hair + eye color: Brown hair, brown-greenish eyes
17) Do you look like anyone famous? Don't think so
18) What do you look like? Rather short, pale, glasses. I look younger than I am.
19) Any unusual talents? I'm a fast learner. I write well, but that isn't so unusual. I laugh about weird things, hmm... overactive imagination sometimes? Pretty good at imagining I'm someone else.
21) Gay, straight, bi, or other? I only want Rutger. And I don't see the point of those particular labels anyway.
22) What do you do for a living? I write about diseases. And stuff.
23) What do you do for fun? Videogames, read, write, roleplay, other games, karate, watch movies or series, listen to music, etc.
24) What are your favorite art materials to work with? I don't really work with much. I should though. I always liked making jewelry, out of pretty much any material.
25) What kind of materials would you like to work with? I saw these really cool necklaces made of ald electronic and mechanical parts :)
26) Have you met your grandparents? Yes. Though one grandfather died when I was only two. They're all gone now.
27) Boyfriend/Girlfriend? Yes.
28) Crush? Nah.
29) What celebrity would you date if you could? Date as in have dinner and sex with? None.
30) Current worries? Getting the appartment sold.
31) Favorite online guy/girl(s)? What's an 'online guy'? Someone who only exists online? Someone's online persona? Wut?
32) Favorite place to be? Hmm... somewhere that has rivers and mountains and fresh air and beautiful things to look at.
33) Least favorite place to be? Hmm... hospital? Prison? Warzone??
34) Do you burn or tan? Burn. Burn some more. Get a few freckels.
35) Ever break a bone? No.
36) What is your favorite cereal? Havermout. But I like to mix them ;)
37) Person you cry with? The moon?
Do you have...
38) Any sisters: one
39) Any brothers: one
40) Any pets: One of my parent's cats is officially mine. Once we live in the new house, I'll get some :)
41) An illness: no
42) A pager: no
43) A personal phone line: uhm... yes?
44) A cell phone: Yes.
45) A visible birthmark: no
46) A pool or hot tub: hot tub.
47) A car: no. But we might have one soon (not that I can drive... but I might learn to)
Describe your...
48) Personality: quiet, introverted, creative, impatient, curious, analytical.
50) Your clothing style: Practical pants, shirts and blouses. Green, blue, black, brown or purple. I really like dresses and skirts, but they're so impractical...
51) Room: Well, appartment. Soon: house.
52) What's missing: Pets!
53) School: yes. had plenty of that.
54) Bed: simple but functional :D
55) Relationship with your parent(s): Bit exhausting, but no more strained than average. Could have been a whole lot worse.
56) Do you believe in yourself? Yes.
57) Do you believe in love at first sight? No.
58) Consider yourself a good listener? Yes.
59) Have a future dream that you would like to share? Hm. I don't know. Stay happy?
60) Get along with your parents? Yes.
61) Save your e-mail conversations? Gmail does that for me.
62) Pray? Sometimes, kinda, if I feel like thanking something. But not to ask for stuff or expect replies or anything.
63) Believe in reincarnation? I don't believe in anything
64) Brush your teeth twice a day? Once.
65) Like to talk on the phone? Not really.
66) Like to eat? Yes.
67) Like to exercise? Yes.
68) Like to watch sports? No, boring.
69) Sing in the car? Definitely would if I had one.
70) What is a dream that you have all the time? Hmm.. I have the occasional 'naked in public' dream. But those don't bother me much, which is a good sign :)
71) Dream in color? yes.
72) Do you have nightmares? Maybe once or twice a year.
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal? No.
74) What's right next to you? A phone. A cup of tea. Pile of papers.
75) What's on your favorite mug? blue and white stripes. I like it because it's huge
76) What's on your mouse pad? WACOM. But it's a tablet, not a pad.
77) Your favorite flavor of gum? cinnamon
78) Your brand of deodorant: Sanex.
79) Your dream honeymoon spot: A tropical rain forest.
80) Your dream husband/wife: Rutger is quite real.
81) What's hiding in your closet? Clothes.
82) Under your bed: Nothing. Dust. Maybe a pencil I dropped.
83) The name of one of your closest/best friends: Annemarieke (hey, it says 'one'!).
84) Your bad time of the day: early mornings
85) Your worst fear(s): Insanity. Losing my mind.
86) What's the weather like? Summerish, dry.
87) Your favorite time of year? Autumn.
88) Your favorite holiday? Hm. Bevrijdingsdag, Sinterklaas, en Oud&Nieuw.
89) A material weakness? I think I spend most on cd's. Expensive photo books about insects are a temptation. Large amounts of money I would spend on traveling, but maybe that isn't material?
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like? Ginger ale mybe. The real stuff. They only sell it in Britain, so it has to be weird...
91) At the top of your "to-do list"? Cleaning the house
92) The hardest thing about growing up? How time speeds up.
93) A pet peeve? Stupid people doing stupid things.
94) Your scariest moment? hmm... dunno. Maybe job interviews? Nothing too terrible in my life
95) Your attitude about love? Everyone needs it. Try to be generous with it. And love yourself too.
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex? Hmm... kinda desperate. I once asked a boy to be my boyfriend though I knew that he would say no.
97) The worst feeling in the world? Getting kicked out of the group, being left out.
99) Who sent this to you? Fenko did it first :)
100) Who do you tag? Nobody.