I was going to write a whole bunch of stuff that I've noticed regarding Mexico, but I decided there's no point in doing so. There's not much point in anything else, either. Just feeling depressed lately. I'm sure you're asking how I can be depressed when I'm on vacation at the beach, right? Well, this is me we're talking about. Going on vacation alone always points out to me just how lonely and how alone in this world I really am.
Comments 9
There's not much point in anything else, either. Just feeling depressed lately. I'm sure you're asking how I can be depressed when I'm on vacation at the beach, right? Well, this is me we're talking about. Going on vacation alone always points out to me just how lonely and how alone in this world I really am.
And what about that girl we met at the same time :) Any progress?!?!?!?!?
And I think you should post what you were going to write anyway. It is always interesting to see your point of view of things that happen here!!!!
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