So, new things:
I've recently mainlined Sanctuary and it's taught me something: even if a show is basically one long string of scifi tropes loosely chained together into a b-movie plot, I will still watch it if it has a female lead that kicks ass while maintaining her agency. Like, seriously, there are a lot of reasons I shouldn't be watching Sanctuary but it hits too many of my narrative kinks for me to able to say no.
Exempli Gratia:
+ a strong female lead with agency who just happens to also be ridiculously attractive and has a bonus british accent
+ a mysterious ex who the protagonist still loves deep down despite the fact that said love often turns homicidal
+ an old group of friends turned frenemies who occasionally put the band back together and go save the world before their egos get the better of them and they go back to trying to kill each othe
+ an infusion of revisionist history, often with a dose of steampunk for good measure
Basically, go watch Sanctuary. If you're like me, it's worth it, if only because you get to watch Dr. Helen Magnus pwn the entire world.
So, I had a few days off for thanksgiving and my plan was to just sit with photoshop and icon like crazy (for
trope_overdosed, and the icon appreciation month battle, and
elitetardis - WAT IM IN AN ELITE COMM HOW DID THAT HAPPEN - and for a request from
cinderbella333) and instead I essentially just sat and stared at my caps in photoshop and did nothing. Seriously, why is it that I never feel inspired to make icons when I actually have time to make them?
And now I have a bunch of big assignments due in the next three weeks, so I probably won't be able to do much iconning until winter recess. D: Maybe inspiration will hit and I'll kick into super!productive mode, but given that at the moment I mostly just want to curl up under my covers and drink tea for the next month, finishing everything seems like a near-impossibility at this point.