A conversation overheard in an MSN chat. It just goes to show just how personal and intimate the relationship between a writer and their beta-reader is.
Oozaru Angel says: What are you up to?
Cassie says: Intermittently beta-reading for someone who isn't you, and reading various fics.
Oozaru Angel says: You're cheating on me? With who?
Cassie says: Yes, I am.
Oozaru Angel says: T.T
Cassie says: I have to share my skills with those in need.
Oozaru Angel says: *sniffles and sits in Corner of Woe*
Cassie says: *feels guilty*
Cassie says: I'll still beta for you whenever you need it.
Oozaru Angel says: *sniffles* Promise?
Cassie says: *hugs* I promise. Just because I help other people doesn’t mean I'll forget about you.
Oozaru Angel says: *hugs back* 'kay.
Cassie says: And, if you really must know, it's KG.
Oozaru Angel says: Oh, well, that's okay then.
Cassie says: It is?
Oozaru Angel says: Sure!
Cassie says: How come it's ok if it's him but you went off on one when you didn’t know?
Oozaru Angel says: Because I don't have to worry about you running off with KG and having beautiful fanfiction together.
Oozaru Angel says: You just MST and do PPC stuff and I'm cool with that.
Cassie says: Well, okay then.
Oozaru Angel says: But don't go and start an OFU with him behind my back!
Oozaru Angel says: I'll never forgive you.
Cassie says: I wouldn’t! *horrified* You really think I’d do that?
Oozaru Angel says: *looks away* I just don't know what to expect from you anymore.
Cassie says: ... But... I wouldn't!
Oozaru Angel says: ...*sighs* Well, okay then.
Cassie says: *tries not to cry*
Oozaru Angel says: I suppose I don't have any choice but to take your word for it.
Cassie says: I just c-can’t believe you think I'd do that...
Oozaru Angel says: *looks over at Cass and feels guilty*
Cassie says: *sees you looking at her and turns away* Where are we going to end up if you won't /trust/ me?
Oozaru Angel says: It's not like that, you know it's not...
Oozaru Angel says: ...I trust you, I just...
Cassie says: You obviously don't, though!
Cassie says: A betaing relationship has to be based on trust, and if you won’t give me that...
Oozaru Angel says: It's just... I know my commas are terrible and I can't use apostrophes.... or spell...
Oozaru Angel says: And sometimes I'm scared that maybe you'll just...
Cassie says: But I /accept/ that!
Cassie says: It's part of who you /are/!
Oozaru Angel says: *looks away* I bet KG uses commas around quotation marks properly.
Cassie says: Well... yes, usually. But I don't like him better for it.
Oozaru Angel says: ...Promise?
Cassie says: Promise. Even if your creative use of the English language drives me scatty sometimes, it's still part of why I love to beta for you.
Oozaru Angel says: I love having you as my beta too.
Cassie says: That's good. *still a little sniffly though*
Oozaru Angel says: *hugs* I'm sorry.
Cassie says: *hugs back* Okay. I'm sorry too.