Well that was my first week at work - doing calculations for big variable speed limit/variable message sign gantries and frames and what not, going through a big pile of engineering drawings to pick out any errors before they build the things, and today the glorious task of designing a stand for an electrical cabinet. Work's better than what I
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Comments 7
'It' only goes downhill because some people believe that they can't increase their knowledge by themselves. The learning stops because you no longer have this societal commitment to keep learning. you have a degree yay, I'm a professor. PEOPLE, YOU CAN TEACH YOURSELVES YOU KNOW.
/end rant.
I may have mentioned this, I'm learning to play the guitar...
a) never leave uni
b) work for a bit to try and lower HECS debt, and then go back to uni;
all parties have done so themselves. Like my cousin James, who after working in marketing for over 5 years and getting hitched, decided it was time to get an MBA (his UG was in bioeng, but he ended up in marketing... buh?!)
Also, I absolutely do things to increase my knowledge. It's just that the areas in which I choose to learn have diddly and squat to do with my 'career' (or what will supposedly end up being my 'career'). Such as playing stringed instruments and learning how to maim people :)
Hobbies are good I say, if you can make a living out of a hobby then there's few better things. Such as race car drivers, or rock stars. It's always hard work though, whatever it is... so might as well do something you enjoy.
/end rant
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