Title: Origins
Style: Prose
Genre: Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
Length: Drabble
cassiopayaCharacters: Anamaria-centric
Word Count: 115
Inspiration: A Spooky Challenge at
cutler_beckettSummary: Anamaria retells her own origin story as it was related to her.
Notes: For some reason all my Spooky Ideas were Anamaria-centric this year.
Her mother had a circuitous way of telling her the truth. One night the devil himself had come to her. His skin was as red as her grandfather’s skin had been black. Small horns peeped up from his bald head and her mother had found the thickness of his arms and his chest pleasing. Showing no fear before his dark majesty, she had called him beautiful. He pressed her down into the bed and pressed himself inside her. Feel me inside of you, he had said, right here, and touched her womb. It was wonderful, she had said, it felt like dying. Nine months later Anamaria was born. It was close enough to the truth.