Title: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Original Prompt:
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958)Artist:
cassiopeia7Pairing: J2
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jensen, an alcoholic ex-football player, drinks his days away and resists the desperate affections of Jared. Much UST results.
Warnings: Allusions to alcoholism.
Media: Pen, marker, digital gradient.
Artist notes: This one's a bit different in that I couldn't bring myself to make fun of one of Tennessee Williams's best works, and so, instead of rewriting the story for humor, I simply pulled direct quotes from the movie to caption the art. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is
Southern Gothic at its dysfunctional best. English majors know the play and aficionados of classic films know the Taylor/Newman movie, but even if you fall into neither category, all you really need to know is that Maggie wants to get laid, Brick wants to get drunk, nobody's giving in, and there's UST seeping from the very walls. Paul Newman and Elizabeth Taylor own this film - there is no better Brick and Maggie the Cat. Which, of course, did not stop me from recasting the parts with my favorite go-to team. Jared was spot-on perfect as the Taylorish sex-kitten and Jensen fit perfectly as the Newmanesque broody anti-hero. (Note to play or movie purists: Although the plot is about the entire dysfunctional Pollitt family, this piece concentrates on the Brick/Maggie relationship. Apologies to Tennessee Williams.)
Once again, boatloads of virtual roses and smishes to my fantabulous beta
quickreaver, for giving this art a onceover and pointing out the bad bits. And for always being so encouraging and thoughtful.
Finally, if you have not seen the original Taylor/Newman vehicle -- what the heck are you waiting for? It ROCKS.
The show, on with it.