Title: For the Blood is the Life
QuickreaverPairing: Samifer (or Boyking!Sam, if you prefer) and demon!Dean
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Blood, blood-drinking
Summary: Sam has a thirst and Dean provides. (Cris, one of your "likes" involved Boy King Sam and Demon!Dean ... and I know how much you like blood, so have some Demon Dean seducing Boy King Sam into taking a sip from the forbidden fountain.)
Comments: Welp, I really blew it this year. Missed the
spn_j2_xmas deadline and ended up booted from the exchange. I just couldn't get the gift in on time, and even during the grace period, the disasters kept coming. From my sister contracting COVID, to me cracking my skull on the bathroom sink, to our dog dying, life kept shooting flaming, poisoned arrows into my ability to draw. So Cris, I am so sorry this is so ridiculously, scandalously, craptastically late, but here is your gift.
Apologies to my poor giftee
Quickreaver, long-suffering Mods
Glovered and
Oddishly, and indeed, the entire
spn_j2_xmas community.
2021 sucked.