Title: The Devil's Advocate's in the Details Rating: PG-13 Character: Andrea Wyatt Pairing: gen Spoilers: Season 4 Summary: 'Wyatt not' look at what the other side's shouting
That was fantastic, totally worth waiting for! Irene's a great OC, I'd love to see more of her - helps that I empathis with what she says about having a child at the end of course, but she's really cool.
Andy's argument about enforcing Weightwatchers was great, and so indicative of the double standard she's going through... I think you tapped into my views on gender equality somehow!
Going to shut up now, but thank you, I loved that!
A really smart, really interesting story! I love the politics involved here. Conservative resurgence -- yes, very much so. I like Irene and how she can be honest with Andy, how she can present the other view without necessarily agreeing with that view herself. The debate you engage in here is very Sorkinesque!
One typo: you probably mean "definitely" instead of "Defiantly".
Comments 4
Andy's argument about enforcing Weightwatchers was great, and so indicative of the double standard she's going through... I think you tapped into my views on gender equality somehow!
Going to shut up now, but thank you, I loved that!
I'm really glad this rang true for you. It changed right at the end because my earlier piece didn't seem to actually have an Andy with any fire.
Thanks again for the prompt.
One typo: you probably mean "definitely" instead of "Defiantly".
Darn, I always do that, thanks for the edit.
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