Merlin 5x01 and 5x02

Oct 14, 2012 00:04

Well, new season is exciting and just as homoerotic as ever. Last week was full of squee, this week not so much but definitely leaves me with plenty to think about. They're changing the legend again, so it's hard to predict where it'll go, especially with Mordred in Camelot now and not allied with Morgana, not to mention inconsistent views on what Arthur's Bane and his destiny even is.

Honestly, though, I'm still grinning about the season premiere. Everyone was awesome. Merlin and Arthur had a million and one Special Moments, half the knights spent the entire episode sweaty and shirtless, Gwen got to be an awesome queen, and we got Lindsay Duncan back as Queen Annis.

I did have some reservations about the second part, though most of those are just frustrations over plot-induced stupidity and awkward scenes that act as perfect set-ups for a magic reveal and then knock Arthur on the head again and shout HA HA JUST KIDDING at the viewer. Seriously getting old at this point. My hand is tired from all the waving.

Gotta admit, the effects this time round were also distracting. The magical creature was just...unfortunate, and the dragon was weird looking to me. I hope we get more backstory on why Aithusa is so different.

However, I did like the scenes between Morgana and Aithusa (Yay for giving them an actual relationship instead of what they could've done!) and was surprised by Mordred literally stabbing Morgana in the back. I expected them to team up and they've tossed that possibility completely out the window.

Kind of wondering if Merlin has been healing Arthur on the sly somehow, though, considering he was already injured and then got cut/stabbed several times in this episode. He's just a wee bit superhuman sometimes.

Gwaine had some nice scenes, Percy got to kill lots of guards, and Elyan and Leon got to do a bit of fighting. Gaius made Merlin's favorite pudding.

Next week looks like a return to Monster of the Week type episodes, but that's to be expected. We're definitely off to an interesting start.

Between Merlin, Downton Abbey, and Once Upon a Time, my weekend TV viewing is maxed out. Luckily, all of them are entertaining (though DA is very often completely infuriating) and OUaT continues to give me multiple kickass women every week. Best time of year for TV!


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