Veau, vache, cochon...

Mar 27, 2021 01:01

Before I get on with the fannish portion of this entry, I have a question related to the Covid-situation - specifically to the vaccination campaign in your respective countries. Even more specifically, a question regarding the staff that has been "enlisted" to do the vaccination.

I'm asking because the campaign is a clusterfuck here: we're behind ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

admiralandrea March 27 2021, 07:35:55 UTC
We're lucky that the NHS has done a superb job of organising vaccinating people here in the UK. Which I know is a contrast to other places, though I think the US has jabbed more people, the priorities are different. I don't know whose doing the actual jabbing, but I've seen pictures of military staff learning how to do it. And frankly, I don't care, because it doesn't actually require medical expertise to stick a needle in someone - hell I do it multiple times a day with my insulin injections. It's not like you need a vein or anything.

So vets - who have a modicum of medical related training - doesn't surprise or bother me, but of course YMMV!


castalie March 27 2021, 07:54:35 UTC
Glad to hear it's not a mess everywhere!

I can't really say it bothers me in terms of 'they won't know how to do it' because, as you mention, they have some kind of training to begin with - and even if they hadn't prior to the campaign (like the other groups of people they're thinking of enrolling), they will get one. I think it's just the idea of being now in such a situation today that you have to go and enroll people who have nothing to do with human vaccination (radiographers? Students?)... my brain is like "ok, so we're getting vets, now, cool".

I can't really explain it... it won't change the fact that whenever I can get an appointment, I will go and get my shot, I won't even think of asking who's doing the shot. I'm just tired of having the feeling that aforementioned Gvt is constantly grasping at straws.

Anyway! What about you, did you get the jab yet? (I haven't caught up with my flist yet)


admiralandrea March 27 2021, 08:13:20 UTC
I got my first one on 5th March. Felt pretty rough for about a week afterwards, on and off. Waiting for my second appointment. Apparently the side effects are worse with the second one!


castalie April 22 2021, 09:30:16 UTC
That's what I heard too... hope it doesn't get too intense for you. But obviously, it's worth it to be fully vaccinated. Fingers crossed anyway


_profiterole_ March 27 2021, 13:13:45 UTC
Ca ne m'a pas choquée, parce que dans les séries, les mafieux vont parfois chez des vétos pour avoir des points de suture quand ils se font tirer dessus. lol

Je note le drama dans ma liste. :-)


castalie April 22 2021, 09:28:16 UTC
J'étais persuadée d'avoir répondu à mes anciens posts, désolée.

Ceci dit, je suis sûre que si j'étais une mafieuse, ça me paraîtrait tout à fait normal aussi lol

Je note le drama dans ma liste

*Pouce levé*


spikedluv March 27 2021, 17:30:46 UTC
Same here! Pharmacy students and vets and I don't recall who else. I did a double-take at the vets, too. I guess I'll have no idea who is actually administering the shot when I go in.


castalie April 22 2021, 09:29:18 UTC
Yes, same here, it's not as if they'll have a little tag with their jobs engraved (not that they should, obviously!).

I'll see what happens in June when I get eligible and can finally - maybe, hopefully - get an appointment


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