how you like them apples?

May 27, 2012 23:12

Basic Info
Name: Lauren
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Would you prefer that your stamp be of the same gender as you?: Doesn't matter

About Me
What are your three best traits?:
Honesty - While sometimes this can be a double edged sword, I really think it's one of my more positive traits. I tell it like it is for the most part. I don't think I'm rude about it, but some people don't like the truth. It kills me whenever I have to fake something, like faking liking my boss - stuff like that.
Loyalty - Once you've got me on your side, I'm pretty much there for good. I don't make a lot of friends easily, but I'm fiercely loyal to the ones that I have. You have to do something pretty bad for me to turn my back on you.
Smart - I guess this is a trait. I'm smart. I like learning. Some of my favorite things to do are to read or to go to different kinds of museums.
What are your three worst traits?:
Anxiety - I tend to get very very anxious over things, such as changes in my life that I don't feel are warranted. It's pretty bad and I wish I didn't get so hung up over things that I can't control.
Control - That being said, I like to be in control. Not necessarily of others, but of myself. If being in control of myself involves controlling others then, yes, I try to do that. I just have a really strong need to feel safe.
Jealousy - I can get really petty and jealous over stuff, basically over people having what I want. Not really things, stuff like a job, a boyfriend etc. I actually roll my eyes most of the time one of my friends on Facebook announces that she's engaged.
Likes?: Making graphics, playing on the comp, reading, watching TV, learning about stuff, art, photography, going to museums, going out to eat, shopping
Dislikes?: Cigarettes, people who feel as though they're entitled, racism/homophobia/etc.
How are you under stress? Are you calm or do you freak out a bit?: It depends on the situation. Generally I freak out a bit. How quickly I calm down depends on what's going on. Usually I can get my head together, buckle down and do whatever needs to get done.
Are you more likely to help yourself or to help others?: I'm in a helping profession and I love love helping others, but I have to help myself first. Because if I don't put myself first, nobody else will.
What would you do with a million dollars?: Pay off my college loans, invest, buy a nicer car and a house, go to Europe, help my parents and brother out, buy a few nice things I've always wanted, and then save the rest.

Castle Specific
If you had to pick one character to go with you to a deserted island, who would it be and why?: Probably Castle because that man knows something about everything lol. He's definitely not a survivalist but he's probably read enough books to help him get through anything. Plus he'd make me laugh if he wasn't being insufferable.
Who's your favorite character and why?: Beckett for so many reasons. She's so strong and complex and beautiful and just.. it's hard for me to even describe how much I love her lol. I love how hardheaded and stubborn she is.
Who's your least favorite character and why?: Gates. She just rubs me the wrong way. She got better over the season, but to me it just seems like she's on the fast track to commissioner or something and doesn't really care what happens in her wake.

Leader or Follower?: Leader if I have to be, tend to prefer to follow though - as long as the leadership is good.
Optimist or Pessimist?: Realist? haha. I honestly lean more towards optimism I think.
Social or Anti-Social?: Social in that I know how to have a conversation with people.
Impulsive or Cautious?: Generally cautious.
Justice or Compassion?: Justice… but this is hard. Again this would depend on the situation for me.
Introverted or Extroverted?: Definitely introverted.
Serious or Funny?: More serious but I have my moments. My sense of humor is a dry one.

Please link to the two other applications that you voted on.

Anything else that you'd like to share?: Nope!

stamped: alexis castle

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