Title: Ginger Beer 4/7 Author: castrovalva9 Rating: G Pairing: Five/Nyssa Summary: The Doctor overindulges in ginger beer and speaks unwisely to Nyssa. Note: Set after Time-Flight.
Nyssa's to-do list... 1) Acquire more data concerning the Doctor's maritial activities... 2) Analyse said data in order to determine his responses to said situation... 3) Create multiple copies, with annotations, for archival purposes... 4) Disperse copies, to prevent the Doctor from deatroying all copies... 5) Learn better ways to communicate 6) Stook up on KillAlc & AllerGo !(tm)tablets
Comments 1
1) Acquire more data concerning the Doctor's maritial activities...
2) Analyse said data in order to determine his responses to said situation...
3) Create multiple copies, with annotations, for archival purposes...
4) Disperse copies, to prevent the Doctor from deatroying all copies...
5) Learn better ways to communicate
6) Stook up on KillAlc & AllerGo !(tm)tablets
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