Today in class the boy behind me motioned for me to pull up my pants; I looked at him and smirked then continued on with my work. This, her, she is coming back
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I'll drown my beliefs To have you be in peace I'll dress like your niece And wash your swollen feet Just don't leave Don't leave I'm not living I'm just killing time Your tiny hands Your crazy kiss and smile Just don't leave Don't leave
And true love waits In haunted attics And true love lives On lollipops and crisps
The only positive to waking up early was walking past your window and seeing you alseep, now you are gone and curtains are up . . .We'll always be together in electric dreams
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I realize I haven't put any pictures of myself on here recently. I just cut my hair myself last friday and had a photo-shoot of sorts. Enjoy. ( Dressed up with no where to go. )