
Sep 03, 2003 22:00

Tiny pics.. used Joey's cell phone again ^^; I'll use the digital camera next time around.

The cage my brother and I built ^^ Snoopy absolutely loves it now.. sometimes all the doors will be open, but he'll still decide to lay in there because he likes it that much or something o-o;

Front view.. should've taken a better picture ^^; Oh well. I always end up getting back pictures of him.. o0


Poor girl still curls up like that. Aw~

"Evil cameras always ruin my sleep!"

Top view.. her head sinks right into her body when she lies down.. lol. It's nothing like Snoopy so I find it really amusing *don't mind me*


That's all. Need to take pics of Lucy actually out of her cage next time X3
And yes.. digital camera. Next time!

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