(no subject)

Jul 14, 2004 18:02

sEcTiOn 1 - aBoUt y0uRsElF
KnOwN a$ - bridget
LiViNq iN - new jersey
bIrThDaY - june 21st, 1990
SkEwL - rbc.. finally. no sjs!
HaIr CoLoR - dirty blond
EyE CoLoR - blue
ShOpPiN aT - idk.. the mall?

sEcTiOn 2 - hAvE yOu EvEr?
ChEaTeD oN sOmEbOdY - no.
bEeN ChEaTeD oN - i don't think so.. well, i doubt it. considering who i went out with. ^___^
BrOkEn SoMeBoDyZ hEaRt - i think so, but they got me back.
hAd yUr hEaRt BrOkEn - yes.
hAd a DrEaM cOmE tRu - i don't think so.
dOnE sOmEtHiNg yOu rEgReT - i don't so. there's probably something, though.
ChEaTeD oN a tEsT - yeh... =x

sEcTiOn 3 - cUrReNtLy
wEaRiNg - a gray shirt that says, "toshiba" in the corner and some really ugly shorts.
LiStEnInG tO - the phone ringing and me typing.
LoCatEd - tv room. unfortunately.
TaLkInG tO - kirsten and ally (alli?).
WaTcHiN - my copmputer screen.

sEcTiOn 4 - dO yOu
bRuSh yOuR tEEtH - yes.
lIkE aNyBoDy - no.
hAvE aNy PiErCiNgZ - nope.
DrIvE - no.
DrInK - no.
SmOkE - no and i never will.

sEcTiOn 5 - fRiEnDz
WhOz yUr bEsT - steph, kathryn, tara, glenn, james, and i guess christy, but we're fighting right now.
WhO dO i hAtE - no one. i dislike chelsea and nicole r. and some boys at the beach, though.
WhO iS ThE ShYeSt - none, really. maybe kathryn.
WhO iS ThE kUtEsT - i don't judge my friends that way.
WhO iS ThE mOsT tAlKiTiVvE - me, christy, tara, and glenn.
WhO LaUgHz ThE mOsT - steph and glenn.
WhO hAvE yOu KnOwN ThE LoNgEsT - glenn. i've known him since i was three, but we forgot about eachother until fifth grade.
WhO hAvE yOu KnOwN ThE ShOrTeSt - james.
WhO dO yOu MiSz ThE mOsT - steph because she moved.
dO yOu HaNg OuT WiT oPpIsItE sEx - yeh.
dO yOu tRuSt yOuR fRiEnDz - depends.
ArE yOu a gOoD fRiEnD - i don't know.
KaN yOu kEeP a sEcReT - yes.

sEcTiOn 6 - ThE LaSt pErSoN yOu ..
HuGgEd - jarrett...?
ImEd - kirsten.
yElLeD aT - dylan.
fElL iN LuHvE WiFf - i'm fourteen. i haven't fallen in love yet.

sEcTiOn 7 - pErSoNaL
WhUt yU wAnT tO bE wEn yOu GrOw Up - a csi, a teacher, or something artistic...maybe something in advertising.
WhEn WaS ThE bEsT DaY oF yOuR lIfE - i don't know. well, i there's a few days i can think of, but i don't want to share them.
dO yOu hAvE a bOyfRiEnD / kRuSh - no.
WhAt cOmEz fIr$t iN yUr lIfE - family, friends, and morals.
WhAt ArE yOu mOsT ScArEd oF - dogs.
WhAt dO yOu ThInK aBoUt b4 yOu gO tO bEd - people...?
dId yOu LoOsE sOmEbOdY yOu rElLiE LuHvEd - did the creator of this quiz ever go to school? and, yes. (like i said before, i loved, but i wasn't in love.
HoW MaNi tImEz hAvE yOu fAlLeN dEePlY iN LuHvE - none.
LuHvE yUr FaMiLy - yeh.
LuHvE yUr fRiEnDz - yeh.

sEcTiOn 8 - fAvOrItE
MoViE - lots.
SoNg - "don't wanna miss a thing" by aerosmith, "i feel fine" by the riddlin kids, "my coco" by stellastarr*, "somebody told me" by the killers, and a lot more from CDs i have.
SiNgEr - ben kweller.
StOrE - idk. borders.
rElAtIvE - all of them.
IcE CrEaM fLaVoR - depends.
FrUiT - lots.
CaNdY - lots.
hOlIdAy - christmas and halloween.
DaY oF ThE wEeK - friday.
tImE - i don't know.
CoLoR - shades of red that are darker than red itself. and lime (bright) green.
QuOtE - different ones from different songs and books.

sEcTiOn 9 - dO yOu
lIkE tO gIvE HuGz - idk.
lIkE tO gIvE kIsSeZ - idk.
lIkE tO WaLk iN dA rAiN - of course.
PrEfEr BlAck oR bLuE pEnZ - it doesn't matter.
lIkE tO tRAvEl - i don't really go anywhere...
tHiNk yOuR aTtRaCtIvE - no.

sEcTiOn 10 - WhAt dO yOu tHiNk AbOuT
aBoRtIoN - against it. period.
SmOkInG - against it. it kills.
EaTiNg DiSoRdErZ - i feel for bad for people with them, but it's their own fault if they don't get help for them.
SuIcIdE - against it. people should get help if they need it instead of killing themselves. it's sad, though.
SuMmEr - it's the best season.
tAtOo$ - i wouldn't get one, but i don't care if other people do.

sEcTiOn 11 - tHiS oR tHaT
SiNgLe oR tAkEn - i'm single, but i'd like to be taken. idk by who, though. o.O
MtV oR bEt - eww. neither. mtv makes good bands sell-outs. and pop, hip-hop, rap, etc. are a few of the many things i hate.
7tH HeAvEn oR DaWsOn CrEeK - 7th heaven, even though i don't watch it regularly.
SuGaR oR SaLt - depends.
SiLvEr oR gOlDd - both.
ChOcLaTe oR fLoWeRz - um.. idk?
cOlOr oR bLaK nD WhItE pHoToZ - both.
m & m oR SkItTlEz - both.
hOtT oR cOlD - idk...
SuN oR mOon - both.
lEfT oR rIgHt - um.. idk.
mUsTaRd oR kEtChUp - ketchup.
SpRiNg oR fAlL - both.
HaPpY oR SaD - happy...
mCdOnAlD oR BuRgEr KiNg - burger king. mcdonalds is gross.
cAnDy oR SoDa - both...?
pEpSi oR cOkE - coke.
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