Title: What's So Special
casy_dee Rating: T
Characters/Pairing: Becker
Spoiler: none
Warning: none
Genre: Drabble
Words: 100
Summary: Drabble in response to
primeval100 challenge # 184 Special Forces
What’s So Special
Miles of desert stretched out before him, interspaced by coils of barbed wire as far as the eye could see. Desert and wire, bland colors melding into the horizon. Alone and lonely in the transport... time to think when he'd rather not think. M-16 pointed at his head as he flashes his identification. The kid looks scared and hollow eyed, but his hands are sure on the weapon. He knows the kid would kill him if he had to. He knows he'd have nightmares from it, but he'd do it. His eyes search the horizon; he'll not find home there.
Thanks for reading.