Title: Oops?
Genre: Gen
Rating: G
Length: 100 words
Spoilers: Um, Gwaine exists?
Prompt: #109 at
merlin100: Cat.
Author’s Notes: Kitty picture designed
here. Be warned, it is a wonderful time waster. *g*
Disclaimer: I do not own this interpretation of the myths and am making no profit from this.
"It's so..." Gwen started, but stopped herself as though she could not find the right words.
Arthur, however, had no such problem and offered several options, "Inane? Insane? Random? Likely to involve fleas and dead rodents?"
"Fluffy? Tiny? Precious? Likely to need to be hidden to prevent untimely death?" Gwaine supplied instead.
Gwen shook her head and the little furball batted at one of her curls. "I was going to say adorable," she insisted.
Arthur watched as the black mess of fur yawned and settled at his side, blinking at him expectantly. With a sigh, he relented, "Only you, Merlin."
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http://cat-77.dreamwidth.org/351074.html. Current comments