Week #36 Winners:
1st Place
helynhighwater 2nd Place
random_yayness madeofsequins 3rd Place
girlboheme Most Creative
dances_withcats girlboheme No Mod's Choice because there were 2 ties - It's really awesome to see so many new faces :)
If you guys would like to help me out
vampire_lims could use some votes
HERE Go submit some Week #37 Icons!!
Week #34 Winners ∞
Week #35 Winners ∞
Week #36 Winners ∞
Week #37 Submission I'd like to catch up on banners - if you would like to make banners for any of the following weeks please leave a comment:
Week #29: ?
Week #31 &
Week #32 for
Week #33: ?
Week #34: ?
Week #35: ?
Week #36: ?