So, twenty days since my last post. Things have happened. Aidan is doing better, he's put on some weight.
He's adjusted brilliantly. Very well-trained, sweet-natured, and absolutely wonderful. I can't understand how anyone could have abused this boy. Anyway.
Ray and I, despite sleeping with one another over two months, went on our first date the night of Narnia's release. We wisely picked up our tickets early, and then went to the mall to wander about for a while.
It was miraculously well-timed, for they'd just dimmed all the lights and turned on the Christmas displays.
After that, we went to Panera to snag something to eat. Then, it was off to the movie!
This was just the first part of the line. It continued on outside and around the goddamn building. Since I wore a thin jacket, Ray held our place while I waited inside.
It was, however, worth the wait.. If only because it made Ray so damn happy.
And then, there was Christmas. Holidays are a bad time for me. Everyone goes and congregates with family. It just reminds me of my lack of one. I had a little breakdown Christmas eve, as I was trying to sleep. Ray held me through it. Even thought I was invited to his grandmother's place for the day, I turned it down, opting to stay home and watch bad movies and cuddle with my dog. Cody came over, we drank a little, and I stole his hairband, as usual.
I do the same thing to Ray <3!:
And, the day before yesterday, an old school friend/enemy came over. She's had it about as bad as I have. We made up, cuddled, and spent several hours talking. I hope to see her again soon.
Note: Oh yeah, Ray got in trouble with the police again. Huzzah.
Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "Five Weird Habits of Yourself" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five ( Four, in my case. ) people to be tagged and list their names.
1) I make unconscious kitty-noises. Like, a questioning mewl or a lower, unhappy rumble. There's no real reason for it, I just do. My roommates understand each one eerily well, too.
2) I have the ability to break out into song at random, often with anime-worthy hand gestures.
3) When my roommates are gone, or sleeping, I will pace the living room with my headphones on, occasionally pausing to air-guitar.
4) I refuse to watch certain movies alone--unless it is a "me" movie that I have some odd affinity for, Like Sin City, because I have my random moments of absolute fangirlism most people would find disturbing. Serenity, on the other hand, must be watched with people. In contrast, I will never play a game while anyone is conscious and in the room. I hate back-seat gamers, damn it.
5) I have full-blown conversations with my dog; often in a blend of baby-talk and normal speech. I have a bad habit of spoiling the pup. Hell, I even made my boyfriend move in the dead of the night to fit the mutt onto the bed.
I tag:
bob_carp_god, derelictseraph, nezumichris, skotlex.