So an old friend and I started talking today, on relationships. Despite all my claims, I'm very much a romantic. And I let myself fall wholly into a relationship with someone. So much, that, as he put it: when things don't work out, you stand to lose much more than you should
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Comments 2
I myself am the same way. I give my all, even if the words are not spoken from my lips- it is in my mind, my heart, and my soul.
But you, flying bird, are wounded and taking a daring step into a new relationship. For this you get a hot-fresh chocolate chip cookie. However, you still do not have yourself seperated from the relationship, and do not know yourslef as Liz. But as Jen's Liz. For this, the cookie is whole-wheat. :p
You must sit there and know thyself. For knowing you prevents power, control and hurt. Somtimes in relationships, when one gives themself wholely to the other- they let the other assume things, then the assumptions become shaping. They mold us, change us- and it warps something that -was- us, but now what they say is us.
Its a scary thing, but it is a thing of blind trust, a love absolute. She should be notified and understanding of this, however.
Fear is caring, after all. All great emotions are derived from love.
With the self in order, and found- all other paths are made clear.
We'll see.
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