ooc ; profile

Feb 25, 2008 00:01

[series]: Bleach
[character]: Shihouin Yoruichi

Her age is not an important clue to what one may and can expect from her. For a woman of her age, she is rather silly at times, yet clearly happy. Yoruichi will be incredibly loyal to those she finds strong and deserving, but the weak ones will never be honoured by her glance. Strong and weak, of course, do not refer to the physical being of a person, but rather the whole deal. What happens on the inside is just as much a part of a person as what goes on, on the outside. Her dignity in relationships can make her seem very intimate, for she likes people. She'll keep the worthy companions through an entire lifetime, and freeze out the shallow. Yoruichi is always analyzing situations, friends and strangers, seeking answers and knowledge. It can be disturbing when she starts asking point-blank questions, with a bare minimum of tact, as she probes into the heart of one's private feelings.

Usually, she does not get what she wants. Call it the cat in her. When, if she does, find out and discovers the puzzle wasn't so complex after all, she will become bored, sometimes even upset, and move on to a new challenge. Nothing is more insulting than to have her tire of her game of microscopic examination and turn to the next interesting person. She likes to analyse things, which is shown in this aspect of her persona. She can be caring and helpful, but usually only to those who are sincere. In many ways, she is like a cat; independent, but looking for affection.

Yoruichi's not always going to say the kind of things people want to hear. She usually speaks bluntly but might not always tell the whole truth. She will give a person just enough information to get by. She has a tendency to curl your toes with her flat, yet truthful statements and her embarrassing point blank questions in return.

Usually though, Yoruichi will keep her mouth shut, and ponder on her words. Her eyes just might twinkle, giving away her persona. Now and then, she will say something out of the blue that can be described as special and splendid that it leaves people feeling startled. If she sees something that a person is doing, and thinks they are doing it well, her enthusiasm will carry over as she complements them. She has always been a little bit outspoken, though she has learned to keep that in check.

Usually, she is very much like a cat, batting her paws to get a reaction. Tease her or trick her, and she will be left feeling flustered at that moment. Yet give her a bit of time, and she will think about some way to pay you back. She is kind at heart though, and while people might be rude or cruel to her, she generally does not lash back with her own insults, but rather just lets it slip off. Her own pranks are just silly little tricks, like transforming before someone who does not know her gender, or even if they know her gender. Her outlook on life is somewhat chipper. All that has nothing to do with her heart though, something that she guards. Although she has crushes and desires, they never usually manifested themselves into anything more, though she does flirt on occasion, and holds a special spot within her heart for one particular person. Her mind is bright and intelligent, and well able to take care of itself in any emergency.

She can be very feminine in her ways when she wants to be; flirtatious, joyous and charming. Yet, at the same time she has been trained to be icy, quiet and aloft. Whichever personality she shows, underneath her womanly wiles or her practical, sensible manner, she has the same goal; security, authority, and respect. She is comfortable with herself, not suffering from the doubts often found in woman. She does at times doubt herself, but it is more mental than physical.

There are certain circumstances when she'll lose her dignity and poise and become a playful individual, with a flair for pure menace and fun, such as the time when she transformed into a human before Ichigo. She can shake with laughter like a healthy animal, but when the moment is gone, the satin voice and elegant bearing return. She is the type of person that appreciates familiarity from strangers, and it bothers her when people assume to call her by her title. Salutations and introductions are always required, though formalities past that annoy her.

She is intelligent, witty, and knowledgeable about Soul Society. She was once the Shinigami captain of the Second Division, and with that was a good leader and she knows various kidou as well as hand-to-hand fighting techniques. She was also once the leader of the Special Forces, which provided her with a lot of knowledge about how things worked. Physically, as a shinigami, she is very strong and she is also a very good strategist. She is flexible and agile, as well as being a good assassin. Another strength can only be found with another individual. Alone, Yoruichi is not the strongest shinigami, but matched together with Kisuke, they are considered to be among the strongest pair that Seireitei has to offer.

There is also flash step. Flash step is the ability to move at high speeds with few actual steps. Currently, she is able to perform 300 steps before feeling the strain, and although she has been absent from Seireitei for a hundred years, Yoruichi seems to still hold the title of Goddess of Flash, outdistancing and outmanoeuvring any shinigami she encountered. Her mastery of this ability allows her to seemingly appear in several places at once. As well, there is flash cry. It is a form of kidou combined with hand-to-hand fighting.

Lastly, there is feline transformation. It is an ability that has neither been explained or that any other has so far been seen to have. Yoruichi can transform into a small black cat, but unlike your typical black cat, she talks, in a masculine voice and is still able to move at incredible speeds. She often spends quite a large amount of time in this form.

A fully detailed list can be seen here.

Name: Unknown
Shikai: Unknown
Bankai: Unknown

[rp sample]
Ah, home, or rather, the place that was now called home. It worked though, for when Yoruichi needed a house over her head, she had it. After all, Kisuke’s door was always open, and even if it was closed, she had her ways of getting in. You didn’t say no to this female. It was strange though, looking back, just how far from her foundations Yoruichi had come. Once upon a time, life was full of eyes that watched her every move, standards that were high, and superiors who watched her like a hawk. Had one told her in her younger years that one day she would be living in the human world, that she was able to transform into a cat, and that she could never have been happier, she could have laughed at that person. Now though, she knew better.

Things had been quiet since then, and Yoruichi was not sure whether she viewed that as a good thing or not. While peace was something that the ex-shinigami aimed for, she knew that it had not arrived yet. How could it when things were still the way they were? Yet, at the same time, she could not resent the stillness that had engulfed everything, since it did give her some time to breath. Although Yoruichi knew that sometime soon something would happen again, she would savour these few fleeting moments while they lasted, and savoured had it been today.

It was just mid-morning and Yoruichi was crawling, so to speak, out of bed. Slowly, cautiously, for her muscles were still stiff from her encounter. Bandages wrapped around her lithe frame, yet still that did not stop her or keep her confined in bed. With a rueful smile, she realized that she had seen that aspect of herself within Ichigo those very first days that she had met him. With a soft grunt, she arose to her feet, for her hunger was large. Beware, Kisuke’s fridge, for she was hungry, and there was that glint in her eyes that foretold that she was well on her way to mending.

She still remembered that day, as if it were yesterday, for it was still fresh within her mind…

It was strange how innocent the day had started. The winds of fate, and of change were at work though, painting the sky with such vibrant colours that it hurt to stare at their beauty. A promise lingered upon the breeze, like a lover's kiss, tender and dear, tantalizing; yet leaving one wanting only for more. Clouds of the lightest of nature smouldered like smoke from a pipe, doting the endless horizon with cotton balls that took the frame and form of various creatures now and again, only to mingle and merge into something else, something new. Life was slowly being revived, and it took shaky breath after shaky breath, for like a paced horse, it wanted nothing more than to bloom with all its glory at once, but like set race horse, to drink the waters too fast would just lead to the inevitable death.

"Too slow, far too slow, little one."

Her voice was a soft whisper, a coy grin upon her beautiful lips. Her vocals sounded ragged through her heavy breathing, for although it was still early morning, the battle had been going on for quite awhile. Unexpected, but then again, these things usually were. She was not the type to go out and openly seek battle, not unless she saw no other way. Sweat plastered her clothing to her body, her hair to her face. A jagged cut crossed her brow, and although the wound had ceased to bleed, blood still lay splattered across her upper brow and down the side of her face. She was panting, hard, and took a moment to catch her breath. Her time off of fighting had not helped her any, though she was still good enough to take on this punk.

Annoyed eyes looked out from beneath the fringe of purple hair. Her thoughts screamed in her mind, and she had tottered, feeling the urge to punch something; to feel her knuckles contact with something firm and crack it, but it was pushed away, and instead determination etched clearly on her face. She could feel her muscles slowly growing more and more tired, and knew that she needed to do something quick and soon. Yet, through the cuts and the bruises, and sliced flesh and the laboured breathing, a grin formed upon her lips, starting off small, yet slowly growing. A cat with its prey, and Yoruichi knew that she was the cat and he was the prey.

"You might be fast, but I am faster."

These words were spat out of her mouth, her yellow eyes narrowing into dangerous slits. While she did have her moments of extreme silliness, there was something deeper and grander within. Yoruichi knew that there was a time and a place for everything, and currently, it was time to get down to business. Of course, that did not necessarily means she would throw away that light hearted nature that was so well established with her. As the old saying stated, when the going got tough, the tough got going.

She had not come all this way only to die today, for like the others, she had a goal. Gathering her senses, Yoruichi started to gather her strength, for she would use all the skills she possessed. She was called the Goddess of Flash for a reason, and although the man standing before her was strong, she knew he would never be able to match her when it came to speed. That would be her trump card, the thing that would allow her to win over him. Some might comment on the fact that she did have carry a Zanpakutou on her once they knew she was shinigami, but she always showed them all that she did not need one.

"Come... We shall dance now." It was almost purred out, as if teasing, mocking the individual who had forced her into this action. She was a fighter, by breed, if not by choice. There were people she cherished, people she trusted, and people she wished to protect. Those who stood before her, blocking that goal, would learn the full force of her attack.

Luckily, the fight had gone her way. Perhaps she did have nine lives, for at times it seemed that she was blessed. Maybe it was just karma balancing itself out. Had she been a vain woman, the wounds that she now bore would have been enough to make her nose wrinkle in distaste. She had never been one for pomp or circumstance, had never been one to be confined for too long, had never been one to stay in one spot while the rest of the world lay open to her. Although her steps were slower than usual, they still spoke of that vitality and that urge to live. Her voice rang out before her as she moved, allowing Jinta a chance to know that she was awake and ready to make up for meals missed.

[time-line]: As crew heads off to Hueco Mundo.

profile, ooc

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