My goal this year was to fill a sketchbook from cover to cover. I got off to a rough start with pages full of practice sketches and random doodles and a general dissatisfaction with what I was putting into the sketchbook. Notice that by the end of April, I had only gotten to page 7.
I kept working at it, telling myself that this was MY sketchbook and I could put whatever I wanted in it, including writing. I hit page 21 at the end of June; halfway through the year, but only a quarter of the way through the book.
I tried not to get discouraged; a little pressure generally helps my productivity after all. And then at the end of August I worked the weeklong big game hunt at Camp Roberts. This was probably the best thing that could’ve happened to my sketchbook.
I posted some thoughts at the time about it. This was when I got to the point of allowing myself to put lists in my sketchbook, the realization that it doesn’t all have to be scannable, that capturing the idea while I have it so I could revisit it later is just as important as having a complete sketch. Certainly having slow hours in the check station and time off in a remote area that is too hot and restricted (military base) to move around in helped. I have 7 pages marked as drawn at Camp Roberts, a 10 day hunt with long travel times on my days off. That’s massive compared to the start of the year.
After that I kept up the pace. Approximately another 6 in September (after Roberts), 7 in October, maybe 9 in November (I think page 66 was beginning of December but I’m not sure, and the remainder of the book in December. Page 50 was dated 6 October. Page 82 was dated as 30 and 31 December, though only because it was drawn around midnight, most of it was drawn on the 30th.
Now, suddenly, I miss having a sketchbook to draw in which is the best measure of success for my goal. I wanted to break the habit of drawing on any handy paper because it gets lost so easily. Once I get some financial stuff sorted out (I made a major mistake with a purchase off of Steam last night and I’m leery of using my debit card online now after having the number stolen last month) I plan on purchasing the sketchbook
bootheel recommended last year.
The one thing that this exercise did not help was in producing completed artwork. Any time I wanted to go back and work on a sketch that I wanted to complete I felt pressured to fill more blank pages. My new goal, then, is to fill the new book in two years and to produce more completed artwork in the meantime.
I have 14 marked as For Completion, I’d like to prioritize any of these that are for other people or feature other people’s characters and creations. (Specifically pages 72 and 35.)
Ten things marked For Further Consideration are ideas that I would like to revisit and refine and perhaps complete.
The rest, well, some of it might get scanned, some of it might just stay in the book. Naturally this means that it’s…
If there is anything in the Inventory that you would like to see and know more about then leave a comment on this post (make sure to include the page number) and I shall scan it, upload it to my devArt scraps*, and link to it in a reply to your comment.
*I know some people can't stand devArt or have trouble accessing it. If you're one of these people, you may request to have it uploaded elsewhere. I'm cool with uploading to my own hosting or FA.
01] [
Uploded for
bootheel] Fysgons, fysgons, fysgons and some gryphons, including a housecat/owl gryphon that was in a dream that I not only remembered upon waking but remembered well enough to sketch out the adorable gryphon.
02] [
Uploded for
traxer] Other Rehomian creatures, including the arctic dwelling canid people without a name yet, their six legged board like mounts and a glenesian on a yewel for comparison.
03] A Witcher style wyvern, birds, 3D shapes, a weird, stylized female face, and antlers.
04] [For Completion] Ciabhan in (birch!) tree form.
05] Cata and mouse icon/dA ID concept.
06] Thoughts on productivity and a sketch of Weinman’s “
Descending Night” sculpture.
07] [
Uploded for
traxer] Fysgon, rezzalon, kangaroo rat, mice, a surprised looking demon thing, a vertical flag with a dragon on it, and the WoW style druid tree-form. [[Drawn at the end of April, while at
dsch’s apartment with
arrin too!]]
08] [For further consideration] Yazeth! Yazeth as a human (the face is still not quite right but close!) Yazeth as an anthro cheetah mage. Yazeth in her Ice Queen form.
09] [For Completion] Black Dragon. May need to be transferred to larger paper since the hind quarters run right up against the rings of the book and there’s nowhere for wings.
10] Two of Tulare.
One as he recovers from his wound, antlers sawn off. One years later as he tends to one of the orphans under his care, antlers in velvet. 11] [For further consideration] Tulare scratching the velvet off his antlers against a tree.
12] Toru in human form, though again the face isn’t quite right, and Toru in lion form… that is also not quite right. Also, Figtree and notes for the camping trip I took in July.
That Horrible Skipping Thing. 14] Practice with sketching Smaug and Kazul.
15] [For further consideration] Runs-Free character concept and weapon design for the polearm she carries.
16] [
Uploded for
bootheel] A hippocampus. This page and the previous tell me I need waaaaay more practice with horses.
17] A silly bird, a derren (Rehomia creature), the demon face that was surprised previously but now just looks stupid, antler-points concept practice.
18] [
Uploaded for
arrin] Titmouse, Cody, Cata-head-plus-bonus-headache, a crane, notes on the fallow deer hippocampus
arrin and I were tossing around.
19] [
Uploded for
traxer] My (computer) mouse from work, the tree bench in the previous sketch of Tulare and the orphan. One of
traxer's swarmies!
20] [
Uploded for
bootheel] Notes and a rough map of Tulare’s world. Well, not a map of the whole world, but of the region he inhabits.
21] [
Uploded for
traxer] A Canada goose [[End of June, early July. We were catching geese for work]] Dragon head.
22] [
Uploaded for
arrin] Fun with markers: a sprawling flower burst thing and Soquan’s head.
23] The campfire at Calaveras and some really rough other doodles. I think the light was weak.
24] A tired Cata saying, “My sketchbook can has to do list? SHORE.” Plus Figtree placing the letters in ‘NNITO’. And then a list. And a draft of a thank you note I sent to my grandparents.
25] [For further consideration] The Room Was Haunted concept with mouse, mouse study skins, and a rattlesnake in a jar.
26] [
Uploaded for
arrin] Jozra/Jovanz head. (I don’t remember which one I intended and they both look enough alike…) Birds (and hands) tangled in a mist net.
27] [
Uploded for
traxer] Expressions on a fox head (probably Holstadt). A… toucan/lion gryphon? Or toucan inspired dragon? I like it. I should do something with it.
28] Posemaniacs page [[Dated 7 Aug 2009]]
29] Cata armed with a pick mattock charging a block wall labeled ‘art’ and the words, “The only way to beat art-block is to BREAK IT DOWN.” (Not super pleased with the anatomy, but I like the idea.)
30] [
Uploaded for
arrin]Full body Jozra, looking at a sunspider chasing something small. Doomsday Machine notes and a monster thing with many eyes and a round, fanged mouth.
31] A fysgon pushing on something. Also, “I’m crushing your heeeeeeeeaaaddd!”
32] Ferns sketched from an illustration of ferns. A… sea-monster thing with huge front flippers.
33] [For Completion] [
Uploded for
traxer] Swarmies vs. Eyeball Snakes! Except so far it’s only the eyeball snakes in a locked terrarium. [[Drawn at Camp Roberts, end of August/early September]]
34] [For Completion] Delores, from
Errant Apprentice. Except I got frustrated with the hand that was supposed to be casting and I sketched in really lightly a hook. [[Drawn at Camp Roberts, end of August/early September]]
35] [For Completion]
traxer's Geo and Ronts! The sketch is even clean enough for straight upload, but I’d like to color it. [[Drawn at Camp Roberts, end of August/early September]]
36] [For further consideration] A quick ground squirrel and jackrabbit illustration that accompanies a short anecdote. [[Dated 3 Sept 09 - Camp Roberts with accompanying “-4 SEP 2009 19 44” timestamp from testing the stamper set forward for pre-reg.]]
37] [For Completion] The companion to
Lee Is Not Invited with Lee and Noti’sed and the note, “Hind legs are the devil.” The trickster does not want to cooperate. -.- [[Drawn at Camp Roberts, end of August/early September]]
38] A promising female face, a very strange male face, a flaming Cata head and a [For further consideration] thumbnail of Catamount and Toru resting/conversing but still armed. Naturally this one is tiny and down in a corner where I ran out of paper. [[Drawn at Camp Roberts, end of August/early September]]
39] Lupine, SCA notes, and little rabbits. [[Drawn at Camp Roberts, end of August/early September]]
40] A very tired Cata, sleeping with her eyes open.
41] More fun with markers and a white gel pen. A raven, a lizard, a… green tower on fire? And big poofy sunset clouds with rain with what I think says “markers=tricky” written in it.
42] [For Completion] Fully sketched, partially inked, Noti’sed with thin chain jewelry. This one I mean to complete IN the sketchbook, to test the paper’s compatibility with colored pencils and so forth.
43] [For Completion] A placeholder with very, very faint composition lines and a quote from National Geographic’s March 2008 article “
The God Particle.”
44] [
Uploded for
bootheel] The multi-tusked, snake-trunked elephant monster that turns up every now and then. A guy with a weird face and one large snake for ‘hair’. Tulare and a young buck under his care, rubbing their antlers on a tree.
45] [For Completion] Antlerless Tulare with an expression I like. No, the orphans cannot wait for the antlers to grow back. They’ll decorate his head anyway.
46] Non-anthro Cata with Violet curled up tight by her side, purring. This may have been the day that I was informed that I could only work 3 days in October. It was a crappy day. Also the reminder, “ONE task at a time on Jane.” [[Beginning of October-ish?]]
47] [For Completion] Sable and Ebony.
48] My footstool. And
Hard Drive Go Crunch.
49] A face sketched from a catalog. And the note, “Magazine model all look the same. :/” because her ¾ turn, wide-eyed-smile-with-some-teeth face looks just like some other faces I drew out of another advertisement.
50] Notes taken at a Sustainable Seaside presentation about someone’s rainwater catchment system and cistern. Plus, running Notieric, Tulare looking concerned, a flower, one of the Rehomian boar-like beasts, and some things that must be basilisks. Or cockatrice? [[Handout tucked in the page is dated October 6, 2009]]
51] Practice with wolf heads, including a couple drawn from reference photos. … … … and one with a Cyclops eye and spontaneous horns.
52] A woman with long hair, a man influenced by one of the characters from “Guns” (hey guess which movie/mini-series I was watching at the time!) and a large cat with geometric designs that I rather like, all kind of squished together like a movie poster.
53] “A Page of Practice with Brush M. …at 5:30am…” I don’t remember why it was so early but there’s a titmouse and a fysgon with really wonky proportions and a note to that effect.
54] Cheetah mage Yazeth makes the words, “Blammo! Antother sketch book to do list!” appear. Everything is crossed off except “Send Mitya’s STUFF.”
55] Lion Toru, more practice with the new pens. And if I didn’t remember drawing it I would never guess that I had.
56] This helmet design that keeps cropping up that I tried on a human head here but it doesn’t work. Seems only on things with long faces/noses. Also an attempt at that horrible skipping thing’s face.
57] [
Uplaoded for
arrin][For further consideration] Young Jozra and Jovanz, working in the family fields. [[This has to do with NaNo, so this was probably at the start of November.]]
58] More practice with wolf heads, and a quote from Ecology of Fear.
59] [
Uploded for
traxer] Fysgons.
60] More practice with the brushpens including a fysgon, a stylized wing, some… is that a koala? Lines that became a sea snail and a weird face.
61] An almost full page of notes on Tulare and his liege’s history, mostly about the war! (Excitement, since I’m finally starting to get an idea on what it was about!)
62] Brush pens: A determined Cata face half in shadow and a mashup of
assertion and The Doors. [[Motivation before 13 Nov 09 presentation, so early/mid-November.]]
63] [For further consideration] Placeholder page with
imirici's exact words on a dragon idea.
64] Sulking, angry, fiery Catas. Just venting.
65] Thumbnails for page 63. Also, Notieric standing tall. I think… I think the mountains are at his feet, he’s drawing the clouds with his lower hands, and placing the stars with his upper hands. Worth exploring more.
66] Practice with knotwork, including two circle designs influenced by
Stephanie Pui-mun Law's recent work. Taboots vs. the sun [For Completion].
67] [For further consideration] [
Uploded for
bootheel] More circle knotwork thoughts, this one with Yggdrasill, Ratatosk, Nidhogg, and the eagle.
68] Titmouse on Clayton’s hand, drawn from photo.
69] A clawed hand, summoning some magic that became something like a phoenix. Also, birds hanging in a mistnet and a weak attempt at a Kirov airship (drawn in the dark while waiting for my Kirovs to win the day).
70] Noted from Defensive Driver along with a snake dragon, mice, further evidence I need more practice with horses, and a stylized sun. [[Defensive Driver course was on 15 December 2009]]
71] A start at a lizard person and some very loose sketches: dragon head, scales, unrecognizable lines and shapes.
72] [For Completion] Soquan and Jozra eating companionably at some tavern.
73] [
Uploded for
dsch] Young Tulare, pre-injury, playing some stringed instrument and singing. Also a note that I need to research elk antlers more, because I never see elk spikes. They’re all either antlerless or have a full 6x6+ rack.
74] [
Uploaded for
arrin][For further consideration] Young Jozra or Jovanz running away from the other with a stolen hat (except only one is drawn!). I deliberately left who it is vague since at this age they look so much alike that from any distance their own family probably wouldn’t be able to tell.
75] [
Uploded for
dsch] IBM Model M “clicky” keyboard weapon brainstorming (for Ebony and Sable). Also a pointy, stompy monster thing going, “RARARARARARARARARA!”
76] An elephant skeleton, drawn from an illustration in a book I’ve had for a very long time. And the start of that elephant-monster except with only one pair of tusks and one snake-trunk so far.
77] I got some Prismacolor brushpens for Christmas so to practice I drew a poorly planned Erutan with floating flowers and pollen and magic.
78] [For further consideration] [
Uploded for
traxer] Pantarr in werewolf form, channeling lightning magic.
79] More poses from Posemaniacs, except this one drawn with brushpens. I started with black and when I ran out of room drew over in purple. This is also when I became disgusted with how sexist many of the poses are. [[Dated 27 Dec 09]]
80] [For Completion] Humanoid-ish Toru, either in a very fae sort of form or in the process of shape-shifting. With wind magic.
81] Another small to-do list. Also, my travel mug with tea-bag string taped to outside (so it doesn’t fall in while I screw on the lid, see), a little turtle, some leaves, a top view of Ertutan’s head from memory, and a weird spikey mosaic-ish thing with teeth and horns.
82] [For Completion] A metaphor, I think. Tentatively titled Ruthless. Anthro-tiger Catamount with fire magic and a not-quite-there-yet sword. [[Dated 30 & 31 Dec 2009]]
Edited 23 Jan 10: Updated with more links.
Edited 5 Jan 10: Linked to requested scans within inventory.