Half Year Accomplishments Meme -- 2010 Parts 1 and 2

Jan 10, 2011 22:14

Greetings, programs.

Here's a link to all the other memes like this I've done. (With the rules, which I've excluded this time.)

Half Year Accomplishments Meme Part 1 -- 1 January 2010 to 30 June 2010

- Completed and uploaded 6 pieces of art: [1][2][3][4][5][6]
- Uploaded 22 sketches: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22]

- 166 mammals and 122 birds (not counting geese) captured
- 2 sites completed
- 1074 hours worked

- 2 novels, 8 manga

- Completed "Darwinia" on PC (Steam)
- Completed "Army of TWO: The 40th Day" on XBOX 360 ...more than once.
- Completed "Twisted Metal" (co-op) on PS2

- Completed an overhaul of my digital filing system for art
- Renewed my passport


Half Year Accomplishments Meme Part 2 -- 1 July 2010 to 31 December 2010

- 369 mammals (including squirrels) and 192 birds captured
- 8 sites completed
- 740 hours worked

- 5 novels

- Completed "Plants vs. Zombies" initial campaign on PC (Steam)
- Obtained all the stars* for the bonus ending to "Braid" on PC (Steam)
- Completed "Halo 2" campaign (co-op) on XBOX 360
- Completed "Halo 3" campaign (co-op) on XBOX 360
- Completed "Borderlands" campaign (co-op) on PC (Steam)
- WoW: leveled SilentRain, Thekettle, and Skirnir a couple of times each. (Re)Created Ailell and leveled him to 12.

- Stained a lectern to be donated to the Peace Resource Center of Monterey County
- Pulled off a successful trip to British Columbia and attended my first anime convention for which I prepared two separate costumes
- Completed an American Sign Language 1 class with an A

The Goals Section:

How'd I do on my goals from last time?

= Being a better friend. I definitely made an effort. I met _oni_ and traxer in real life for the first time, went to Canada to spend time with arrin, hung out with TRINA of all people for several days during the summer and helped her move her stuff out of her old house and into a POD, I hung out with dsch several times, went to a concert and a play and a couple of movies with friends.
But I wasn't on IMs very often at all and every now and then there would be a few weeks or months of complete silence. So I could definitely do better, but it sure was a good start.

= Fresh salad for Smaug. I was able to provide this almost daily, with the exceptions being when I was away from home and those I charged with feeding him forgot or when I ran out of ingredients and couldn't make it to the store for a couple of days. The system works very well and is pretty easy for me to maintain. I totally bought a squash today anticipating that I need to mix up a fresh batch sometime tomorrow so that there is something for Wednesday.

= Complete more art. Er... I did pretty miserably at this one in the second part of the year. Indeed, I have nothing to show in the way of art after March 2010 except for a smattering of sketches in my sketchbook.

= New sketchbook. I bought two new sketchbooks, in fact. I would say I didn't have much to show for the second part of the goal (fill it by the end of 2011) except most of my sketches in Book 3 came towards the end so I'd say it's too soon to call on that part.

= Catch up on games. I mentioned Halo 2 and 3 in particular and what do you know? I totally beat them. Booooom. (Co-op, yes, but it's more fun that way. Halo is a social game for me.)

What are my goals this time?

~ I'd like to keep working on that friends thing. Especially the online part. That feels weird to write when I keep seeing other people try to reduce their online time but I have friends with whom my main mode of communication is IM or the RFF or LJ and I've only just barely been on. If I could at least find a way to carve out a little bit of time on a regular basis, that would be a huge improvement.

~ ART ART ART ART. Even though my "art desk" is currently taken up by a computer, I can still do things digitally. I can take my sketchbook anywhere. And if I'm discouraged because it's hard again or I hate what I draw? Well not drawing isn't how I'm going to improve, that's for sure!

~ Keep working on finishing those games. I'm kind of embarrassed that I don't have "Assassin's Creed" to add to the list of completed ones. I've been playing that for over a year now. And I was making huge amounts of progress on "Okami" and then suddenly stopped. (I hate that. Not only am I far enough in a game that things are difficult but I have to re-learn how to play!)

~ Exercise. Despite having and outdoor job I don't think I'm getting all the exercise I need and it bothered me through a good part of the second half of the year. I'd try to start a daily regimen with sit-ups and so forth and something would interfere with the routine and I'd lose it again until I regained some motivation and desire.

I finally came up with this chart thing sometime in December. It's a bunch of boxes with faint lines through them. Half a box is half an hour. I assigned color codes to different activities (swimming, walking, DDR). At the end of 25 boxes is a prize/treat/incentive. In this case, "Avatar: The Last Airbender" Season One. The boxes go all the way up to 100. So far I've filled one and a half. We'll see how I do.

* Normally I'd hesitate to add what is essentially a second play-through. But getting one of those stars involved waiting for almost TWO HOURS for a cloud to move across the level. All were challenging in ways that surpassed most of the original puzzles. This definitely felt like an accomplishment.

accomplishments meme

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