pi left because she was afraid anthony petersen was going to find us. that he was going to do something--which is ludicrous-- because despite his big man act he's really just a sociopathic pedophile AND a coward; since she's not a little girl anymore--he wouldn't have any interest.
he used to tell me he had a 'list' of people he was going to get even with; and i was so afraid of being one of those people. i was terrified of him. now i have guns, and crossbows, and knives and my dog... and the realization that he's a bully--so therefore a coward.
that and my relatives.
want to hear funny? my uncle called the morning after she came home to tell me she was where she had been and ask if i wanted her arrested. i laughed so hard; it's good to have spooks in the family.
my problem now is what ant did do to my daughter is STILL upsetting her. she's angry; but doesn't want me to do anything to him. i'd gladly go to prison for the rest of my life if she wanted his head; i'd cut it off slowly just for her. i even know which blade i'd use (my pink titanium kershaw). but she says no.
she came home on her own.
i'm very glad to have her back safe.
i saw him with alena at santa fe; looked like they were arguing. i think it's nice that they are still together--just goes to show that no matter how fucked up you are--there is somebody out there for you.
i have to stay up late tonight so i can redo my classes at santa fe; wish me luck.
as i wish all of you--even the reprehensible scumbuckets get luck--because who knows? despite all the overwhelming evidence that pedophilic offenders are incorrigible and that they will offend again (unless they happen to catch a mate who has the physical characteristics of their sexual trigger; those unfortunate souls who never develop) maybe with a little luck there is hope for us all.