Killing time. Yes, already. Day 4 of fall semester Jr. year

Sep 02, 2005 01:42

Eh. Why not?

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1) Where was missinjersey624 born? somewhere in bergen county, i suppose. maybe pascack?
2) Is howareyoutravis friends with clina1sheep? nope
3) What is igraine120 allergic to? holy angels
4) Is mystcblue2 1337? what?
5) How long have you known cmo90angel? 9th grade--going on 7 years. cRaZy!
6) What do you agree with alexbhlz about? the awesomeness of TFW music
7) Would missinjersey624 be a better ninja or pirate? hahaha. liz? ninja.
8) Is clina1sheep a nerd? nope. not that theres anything wrong with that.
9) What languages does rollnwitdaholmy speak? white girl wanna be black, umm...shaniqua.
10) If missinjersey624 took over the world, who would suffer? chris. nope. jean. lol
11) If mystcblue2 took over the world, who would be happy? everybody. especially him.
12) What flavor of jello would alexbhlz be? lime
13) Is justfloat an emo? nah.
14) What animal does justagirl31 remind you of? tiger or cheetah
15) Is howareyoutravis dead sexy? i think so. havent seen him in a while, but i would guess so
16) Is igraine120 introverted or extroverted? hmm. extroverted. but barely. on the borderline
17) What mental disorder does rollnwitdaholmy remind you of? ADD
18) What is evil_quintet's favorite game? puzzles
19) What animal should justfloat be combined with? hummingbird
20) Do you think gcs2 is hot? sure do.
21) alexbhlz's eye color? oh damn. greenish? i think?
22) What color should gcs2 dye their hair? he shouldnt touch it
23) Would mystcblue2 go out with buwildchild? nope
24) One thing you can't stand about alexbhlz? hes not here.
25) Is fallenangel406 related to mystcblue2? no. they dont even know the other exists
26) When did you last call rollnwitdaholmy? i cant remember the last time i saw her, let alone called her. i actually dont know if ive ever talked to her on the phone. hmmm.
27) Do you have a crush on mystcblue2? sorry, but no.
28) If howareyoutravis was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? kerry?
29) What song/movie would you recommend to fallenangel406? love is not enough. nin.
30) Does justfloat know evil_quintet? no
31) What do you disagree with justagirl31 about? probably a lot. what to chill out about and what to flip over.
32) What planet should clina1sheep be from? venus
33) What word best describes justagirl31? "madwalk" lol.
34) Thoughts on gcs2? so cool. awesome director. fantastic teacher.
35) Is buwildchild a high school student? nope
36) Is howareyoutravis a college student? yep
37) Has justfloat been to your house/dorm? i live with the girl. lol
38) Did alexbhlz break up with you? no. we were never together to give him the chance to. lol.
39) Where did you first meet alexbhlz? sig ep band party
40) If howareyoutravis commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? me
41) Are alexbhlz and justfloat going steady? no
42) Do missinjersey624 and igraine120 go to the same school? they did (AHA). no longer, though.
43) If alexbhlz were hanging off a cliff, what would fallenangel406 do? god, i'd hope she'd save him
44) What is gcs2's favorite color? i wanna say green. but probably blue.
45) Have you ever dated howareyoutravis? no. but i think that would be very interesting.
46) What would clina1sheep give gcs2 for his/her birthday? if she knew him, a gift certificate to b&n for at least $100, most likely
47) What is gcs2's favorite food? i dont know garret that well!! im gonna guess ice cream
48) What would you do if you found out gcs2 has a crush on you? make sure caitlin didnt find out
49) Is mystcblue2 popular? yeah.
50) If howareyoutravis and gcs2 were spliced together, what would be its name? therret
51) What would chava984 think of alexbhlz? she'd think he is a cool cat.
52) Is alexbhlz in a relationship? no. but he should be. with me. :^)
53) Does cmo90angel go to your school? nope. but i went to aha with her
54) Would you make out with alexbhlz? HELL YES
55) What would chava984 do differently in your shoes? not go around making out with lots and lots of people
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