I got this From 2xs LJ
in 2005, did you:
1. go to a party?: Yep
2. try something new?: yes
3. have someone change your life?: Um not really, i dont think so
4. kiss someone?: negative
5. tell your family and friends you love them?: yes
6. buy something extravagant?: ernie ball musicman sterling
7. had someone else do something nice for you?: yes
8. do something terribly wrong?: probably
9. move?: nope
10. go to a concert?: yep
best of the year:
1. party: Makis house, was pretty wicked, or shindigs are johns house are also good
2. show: Nothing insane, probably like The Warriors, Good Clean Fun, Sevneth Star, Life in Pictures, AHOY, TLFD show
3. cd: Carry On- A Life Less Plague
4. movie: Cant remember
5. song: Prob some Carry On song
experience: Recording with my band for the first time, playing out first show, releasing a demo(BURN), and playing a few shows
7. purchase: ernie ball bass, and half life 1+2
8. book: biggest brother or all age reflection on straight edge
9. month: september/october?
10. day: last day of school
worst of the year:
1. party: didnt; go to many
2. show: anomaly at the westbury reform temple... life in pictures played which was good
3. cd: what 2x said, i didn;t listen to cds if their bad
4. movie: cant remember
5. song: ahahahhaah anomaly?
6. experience: House arrest
7. purchase: Bass Overdrive and probably thoise shit strings i bought
8. book: dont read really
9. month: september... back to school
10. Day: good question
hopes for 2006:
1. predict something that you think will
happen in 2006?: Privileger Ep will be released alogn with t shirts and
playing good shows
2. what do you hope changes about your country?: War and racist are gone
3. what do you hope for yourself?: To stay happy, nto to change as a person and not to be closed minded
4. what do you hope for your family?: My brother begins to speak, and
we fidn a good school that will help him with learning becasue hes
5. what do you hope for your best friend(s)?: We stay friends, and even get closer
during 2005:
1. where were you when it began?: home with family
2. did you stay up?: yes
3. what was your new year wish?: didn;t make one, im bad at it. Or i
forgot or something, but i became vegetarian which was an
4. how many boyfriends/girlfriends?: 0
5. broke up?:...
6. have any crushes?:ahahaha thats funny that you ask
7. care to mention names?: id rather not
8. new friends?: Definatly, in and out of school.
9. had to say goodbye?: nobody close enough that i had to really say
goodbye. I think i said goodbye to stoller(who i see al the time) and
nah who i never see.
10. missed anyone?: It woudl eb cool to see them all again
11. win anything?:SUPERBOWL!
12. best place you went to?: Warped Tour!!!!!
13. worst place you went to?: I dunno
14. happiest moment?:Having an A in math
15. how was your birthday?: i dont remember, i think i got an ipod(i lost it) and whatever i was 15 big shit.
16. best present?: ernie ball bass(early x mass)
january: Birthday, blah blah first Privilege show
february: shit i dotn remembr
march: i dunno
april: i forget
july: Worked for a week and was at dourises everyday never doign anything.
august: Dont remember
september: Broke edge, had fun, went out, no school work=illll
october: begginning was good, end sucked
november: sucked bad, i dont think i did anything
december: played a good show with Privilege, finally got recognized, and hopefulyl a good kickoff to 06.