your ipod is fucked. its now a really big shuffle. You could buy a screen on ebay and put it in yourself but thats pretty hard. Yeah best buy wont fix that shit though. If its less then a year old you could try to get apple to fix it but they probably wont.
i swear you always find the weirdest things, especially shoes!.. im sure they look cute with jeans! no wearing those with your boy shorts or we might have to call a fasion police on you!!!! hah jk, u always dress cute so i dont think i have to worry.. u'l find a good way to wear them. it sucks that your ipod broke, mine basecalyl took a crash. poor poor babys
boo.. yeah i havent worn shorts in a while, i think i might have outgrown that phase. except one pair i still wear but only when im feeling super lazy. you are the cutest everrrrrrr, when is school out!!?!?!?!!!11
yeah i know how those phase thingys are, when i go back and look at how i use to be/act/dress/think... wow, but ya know theyre phases and its cool for the moment then u move on right? right! im done now actually... my last day was wednesday the graduatoin is on friday june 2 (this friday) WAHOO!!!! and my party is the 24th... u guys will get something in the mail soon. oh, i also got my tragus pierced.. its okay looking, i dont know. ill show you tho
Comments 17
it sucks that your ipod broke, mine basecalyl took a crash. poor poor babys
except one pair i still wear but only when im feeling super lazy.
you are the cutest everrrrrrr, when is school out!!?!?!?!!!11
im done now actually... my last day was wednesday
the graduatoin is on friday june 2 (this friday) WAHOO!!!! and my party is the 24th... u guys will get something in the mail soon.
oh, i also got my tragus pierced.. its okay looking, i dont know. ill show you tho
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