Questions for Neuorologist

Sep 03, 2007 09:40

This is the list of questions I've thought of so far. If anyone has any suggestions for other questions to ask please leave it in a comment.

1. The EEG report indicates Epilepsy, what type of epilepsy and are there any other tests I need to confirm this?

2. How can I tell the difference between a seizure (aside from the frelling obvious grand-mal type)and the random twitches and jerks I get due to Fibro?

3. The research I did on epilepsy indicates that there are many different drugs out there to control seizures, how do you figure out which one to try first?

4. How soon can I expect to be safe to work again?

5. How soon can I expect to be safe to drive again?

6. Are my passing out spells actually seizures?

7. Was I correct that the legs stiffening and bouncing up and down on their own was actually a seizure?

8.Is there a way to tell what caused this?

9. Are my kids likely to be at risk for developing epilepsy?

10. I have trouble remembering to take pills. Is there a drug available to try that is only once a day, without cognitive side effects?

11.I don't sleep well if I'm on a second or third shift job will this mean I am medically restricted to day shift only jobs?

questions, health

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