1. Choose 8 people from your friends list at random. (its supposed to be 15 but i got lazy)
2. Write something about/to each of them.
3. Dont tell anyone who the statements are about. Good or bad. No matter how they beg!
1. you are one of the smartest people i know and sometimes thinking about it makes me feel stupid. you are a wonderful person with a great heart. you let boys and stupid jappy girls bother you when you shouldnt. you are not only book smart but common sense smart and underneath it all you still find time to be goofy with me and our endless inside jokes.
2. we were not always friends and even today i still find it surprising that we ever even made it to that point. you have been there for me when no one else was and i need a shoulder to cry on more than ever. we have had our fights but every relationship goes through its rocky points. no matter what anyone says, i think you are a wonderful person and i love you.
3. when i was younger you were my idol. you were the coolest person ever in my eyes and i loved everything about you. not much has changed since then. you are there for me when i have no one else to turn to. i only wish i could be half the person you are.
4. i had heard so much about you before i met you. you are one of the hardest working people i know. your determination amazes me. you're a beautiful person. i am so glad we became friends and even though i dont see you often, i do think of you.
5. sometimes its hard to understand where you're coming from. one second you're my best friend and the next i feel more betrayed by you than any other. you can be such a great person and i cant understand where some of your ideals came from. but no matter what i love you and always will.
6. we share a common past in more ways than one. i never thought we would become friends but neither one of us seem the type to have enemies. you have such a bright future ahead of you and im glad youre happy again.
7. we are such different people and yet i love you more than life itself. you never cease to make me smile though lately you tend to make me cry. im starting to believe i no longer know you and it would break my heart if our friendship ever ended.
8. ever since i went to school i've missed you more than life itself. i haven't even allowed myself to grieve over my departure yet. in some ways we are the same person and it scares me everytime i see it. but anyone else can see how different we are.