I don't know at this point, tbh. The proponents of Prop 8 are already promising to appeal to the Supreme Court, but considering Judge Walker's complete shut down of their so called "defense" of Prop 8 as well as the whole unconstitutionality of it being based on Due Process (among others), I can't see Prop 8 being put back in place at all.
Oooooorrrrrrrr, I could be overly optimistic. So yeah. :V /beats back cynicism.
lol i went and read about it on CNN and the prop 8 supporters were like "WAH BIAS" and i'm like "umm, if anything, saying that you can't restrict marriage based on gender any more than you can restrict it based on race is the definition of fairness." plus he was bitching about the judge overturning 7 million votes... yeah, 7 million votes FOR BIGOTRY. you don't get to make bigotry into law just because there's a lot of you fuckers. the minority does have rights, even if you don't like it
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EXACTLY! It's like, there's a REASON the court system exists so that the majority cannot completely fuck over the minority. Checks and balances, guys, holy shit. Even the founding fathers were all "no tyranny of the majority!" /paraphrasing
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Comments 15
(also that song is awesome XD)
Oooooorrrrrrrr, I could be overly optimistic. So yeah. :V /beats back cynicism.
I can't see the video from the mobile site D:
Also, that video/song is quite awesome. xD I may have to listen to it on repeat for the next few days.
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