cus its been awhile...

Nov 29, 2004 16:11

I don't really feel like updating, but since it's been over a month I thought I would ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

g2gsk8 November 29 2004, 13:38:26 UTC
cateyholmes November 29 2004, 17:06:15 UTC
for sure!

I still have your mouse pad for you...I never got around to shipping it...oops, I suck at the whole snail mail thing.

anyways call me when youre in town



ashtherockstar November 30 2004, 07:42:29 UTC
i love you cat. i'm so glad you're swell. come around more often!


cateyholmes November 30 2004, 08:54:38 UTC
i love you ash! call me sometime and we'll hang out or something.


__iamthe_walrus November 30 2004, 08:04:12 UTC
aww thats so pretttttyyyy!!! hope you have fun! i'm sure you will!


cateyholmes November 30 2004, 08:55:50 UTC
oh i'm sure it will be a grand time. I wish it was sooner, but 2 months isnt too bad. So, we should hang out sometime while you're home for Christmas...cus I know you're home for like a month! ha. alright...well you kick some ass on those CMU exams and shit. I'll talk to you later. tell peach i said hello!


jaysbaby328 December 20 2004, 01:26:33 UTC
hey catey its Holly! how are you ? i havent talked to you in a while so i just wanted to say hey!!


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