I am feeling moderately optimistic.
Reason the first: 1 week left of school, plus I have determined that even if I just walk in and write my name on the top of my exam, I will pass all of my courses. Even Martins class, in which I am doing the worst and in which the exam is worth the most
Reason the second: 2 of cups in the seventh postion and 8 of cups in the 13th postion of my reading today. Okay, granted tarot is probably not the be all end all of my life determination and I should probably grow up from being 15 years old, but I definately don't discount it entirely, especially since I ignored the King of Cups in the reversed position HOW many times in readings during the last 3 months of Sean and my relationship? Too many unfortunatly. For the tarot-ly inept "King of Cups Reversed Position: Be forewarned! There's a man coming into your life that is extremely selfish. Safeguard your heart! He is a liar and a manipulator. He only cares about getting his way and is quite egotistical. When you first meet, you'll feel drawn to him. But after time, his alterior motives and lies may become evident and you could get emotionally hurt." But on the plus side, the seventh postion (which deals with commited relationships and partnership) and the 13th postion (which deals with final outcomes) which held the 2 and 8 of cups in the upright position respectively means things are looking up. "2 of cups upright position: Is it fate? Is it destiny? Could it be true love? You've drawn the "soulmate" card. Yes, you're on the verge of meeting a soul mate. At the very least, a destined relationship is coming in. Soon, you'll share a special bond with someone whose love is unconditional. Has someone recently appeared in your life? Did you meet a new person the other day to whom you felt a strong connection? New people you meet this month could be a source of inspiration and the begginning of a beatiful thing." "8 of cups upright position: The past is gone with the wind. Things cannot be changed at this point. Only the future lies before you. An important relationship has ended. However, you can expect someone new to come into your life. He or she wishes to invite you on a magical journey. This will be a period of amazing self-discovery. You're being encouraged to unlock hidden talents and perhaps your spiritual side. If you have let go of an old dream or goal, a new one is coming in to replace it. When one door closes, another opens" So yeah, I dunno how accurate that is but I put a lot of value into my horoscope/tarot readings so we shall seee. At least cautous optimism for now hah
And now to watch some more of the hilarious movie "LOCUSTS" on city tv