Warning! Venting and facts in their proper context follow.
From the
Washington Post:
The Ad:
John McCain admits he doesn't understand the economy. So who advises him?
Carly Fiorina, the fired CEO who got a $42 million golden parachute.
Phil Gramm, the ex-senator who pushed through deregulation and called Americans hurt by this economy "whiners." Then there's
George Bush, whose disastrous policies McCain wants to continue. They think the economy is fundamentally strong. We know they're fundamentally wrong.
Analysis: The key facts in this
Barack Obama counterattack ad are accurate.
Meanwhile, McCain and his people have been spewing out
lie after
lie after
lie on big things and small. (By the way: Know how the McCain and GOP TV ads constantly say that Obama's going to raise your taxes?
Only those people making more than $250,000 a year -- the very top 1.9% of the income ladder -- will see a tax increase; most everyone else will see their taxes drop.) What was this about the GOP being the Morality Party? Or is "morality" another word for "
making sure we can pry into your bedroom while we lead pervy sex lives"? Or is it "
getting huffy when lefty bloggers cuss yet ignoring it when
Dick Cheney tells Pat Leahy to 'go f--- yourself' on the Senate floor?"