see if we can get ourselves killed before we die.

Oct 17, 2009 15:41

What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?
A smile, the lips. The eyes. Hair. Hands.

Do you like children?
I do, though it's hard to be paitent with them 100%

Would you marry for money?
I could. It would be an awful temptation.

Have you had braces?
No, never

Do you pluck your eyebrows?

Do you ever cut or hurt yourself?
No, never have. I'm too much of a wuss.

When was the last time you had a hickey?
Haha, never I'm pretty sure.

Could you live without a computer?
If I had to, I know I would.

Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list, etc.?
MSN - I've used it for years, though I now have all my highschool friends blocked.

If so, how many people are on your list(s)?
About thirty, I think. Most of them are blocked.

If you could live in any past time period, which would it be?
Edwardian, maybe. I quite like this one, though, if only because it has so much to offer. Maybe the sixties, fities.

Do you drink enough water?
Oh, no, I'm sure I don't.

Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?
We take them off.

What is your favorite fruit?
I love green apples. Watermelon, rockmelon.

Do you eat wheat bread or white?
Soft white.

What is your favorite place to visit?
I'm not sure yet - cities. The ocean.

What is the last movie you saw?
Sweeny Todd, from last night.

Do you kiss on the first date?
No. :P

Are you photogenic?
My ego would have me say yes. With all the fussing I do, though, I'd have to say that naturally I am not.

Do you dream in color or black and white?

Are you wearing nail polish?
Yes; sheer strawberry. It's very pretty.

Do you have any dimples?
Rowan says I do, sometimes. He has deeper, prettier ones though.

Do you remember being born?
Oh god no. I don't think I want to, either. :P

Why do you take surveys?
I like answering the questions; it's a good chance to sit down and really think about who I am, I guess.

Do you drink alcohol?

Did you like or do you like high school?
I did, actually. Even all the awful parts. I think it's an important part of life. It sets the standards.

What is the most beautiful language?
French. :)

When you are asleep, do you like being kissed awake?
It's a nice feeling, though I'm sure I'm not thinking of it in the same why you are. :)

Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?
Oh, I love both. I see more sunsets, though.

Do you want to live to be 100?
Only if Rowan was celebrating it with me. But even then I'm not sure, it seems so sad to be that old, like an infant again, almost.

Do you think women should be expected to shave their body hair?
If they want to - I haven't ever really thought about it.

Do you like salty food or sugary food the most?
Oh, both.

Is a flat stomach important to you?
No, not at this moment.

Do you or have you played with a Ouija board?
Once, at a friend's thirteenth birthday party. She was pushing the glass, though.

Are you loyal?
I can be.

Are you tolerant of other people's beliefs?
Yes, at least I like to think so. I wouldn't want them to judge mine, so do unto others. :)

When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?
Either or. Mostly I watch movies with Rowan and Kyle, and they both like them off.

Do you believe in magic?
Yes. :) Oh, yes, definately.

Do you have nightmares frequently?
No, thankfully, though they still happen.

Do you like your nose?
When I'm not thinking about it.

Do you like abstract art?
No, not really. I like simple, pretty things.

Do you think you can draw well?
You are always learning, and improving. :)

Do you listen to music daily?
Yes. :) It's this house's beat.

Do you like to watch cartoons?
Yes. I love cartoons.

At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?
I don't think we ever really believed in him, Rowan and I. That's sad. :(

How many pairs of shoes do you have in your closet?
Um, about five or six.

Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?
Same shoes, mostly. They're simple and verstile. :)

Do you write poetry?
Rarely. :P

Do you snore?
Rowan says I do. I'm not sure if he's lying or not, though.

Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?
Back. Sometimes I curl up into a pillow, or one of my bears, or Rowan, if we've fallen asleep after a movie marathon.

Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler?
I'm not a dog person, really. :/

Do you lick stamps?
I haven't sent a letter in ages. :O

Do you use an electric can opener?
No. :O

Have you ridden in a hot air balloon?
No, never.

Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
Emotional. It's awful.

Do you think balding men should shave their heads?
I think it's whatever they're comfortable with. :) I'm sure it gives them a little character.

Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed?
I used to. He's gone, now.

Do you prefer a piano or a violin?
Pianos are lovely.

Are you a sex addict?
Hah, I don't think so.

Do you know someone who has cancer?
I used to.

Do you hunt?
No. Rowan does, though.

Do you like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants?
Either. :) They're both fun with the right company.

Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
Art museum. :)

Do you have a middle name?
Yes - May.

Are you basically a happy person?
I'm always told I am.

Are you tired?
No, not now.

Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?
Not yet, but my Grandfather is brewing some coffee, I can smell it.

Have you ever met anyone off the internet?
No. :O

How many phones do you have in your house?
One main one and then everyones' moblie phones, I guess, so... six, I think.

How long is your hair?
Below my shoulder blades.

Do you get along with your parents?
I love my granddad. :) And since he and my grandmother were the only parents we knew, yes. :)

What color of eyes do you prefer?
Dark, dark brown. Eyes that can glitter.

Are you an active person?
No, not really. :/

What medications do you take?
Nothing. :O

What does your bedroom look like?
Soft, girlie - there's big fluffy pillows and ruffles and pink curtains. Books, stacks of books. Soft toys, everywhere. My teapots and teacups.

for fun

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