I have an interview for a job in a bookstore in a few hours. It's only 10-20 hours a week, and it's minimum wage but working is a bookstore has always, always been my idea of the perfect job and I'm incredibly excited. I was really proud of my
To Whom it May Concern: I am writing to enquire about the bookseller position that was advertised on Craigslist. I was incredibly excited when I saw your ad, as working in a bookstore has always been my idea of the perfect job. My love of books has served me well through the years; in grade school I found a kindred spirit in Anne Shirley and explored my love of history through the Dear America series. In difficult middle school years I escaped to Tamora Pierce’s Tortall and Piers Anthony’s Xanth with great pleasure. When I found myself a young single mother I took great comfort in reading and rereading the story of Novalee Nation in Where the Heart Is, and as I continued my journey into adulthood Codi Noline (Barbra Kingsolver's Animal Dreams) and Lexi Ransome (Dogs of Babel by Carolyn Parkhurst) became as important as any of my flesh and blood friends. Books have always been my passion, and sharing them comes naturally to me and is something I enjoy immensely.
I have an excellent customer service background in several different types of settings. I am intuitive and good at knowing what people need and how to make them comfortable. I present myself well both on the phone and in person, and have worked with various computer systems. As much as I enjoy interacting with people I also do well alone and am able to remain very focused. I have a three year old daughter who also absolutely loves reading, so I am quite familiar with children’s books and always enjoy reading new ones. Recently we have loved Wabi Sabi by Mark Reibstein and The Sea Serpent and Me by Dashka Slater. Writing is another thing that is very important to me and I feel I do very well with, so writing book reviews mixes two of my strengths wonderfully.
I have also included my resume, a paragraph about the last book I read, and a letter of recommendation. I would love the opportunity to come in and interview with you. You asked that applicants not call the store, so I will follow up by e-mail in two weeks. If you would like any additional information please do feel free to contact me however is most convenient for you. Thank you for your time and consideration.