What you need: - the comic you want to convert, as an ordered set of images within a folder - a handy little conversion program called MangleHow to convert
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Rawr. I want to read manga on my Kobo but so far nobody seems to have cracked the ability to do that (and the files don't seem to be out there). Grump grump.
I've never seen a Kobo in RL so I might be way wrong, but AFAIK the only way for it to load images is to have those images inside a PDF...so it'd only be a matter of finding a program that takes a folder of ordered images, resizes them to Kobo resolution and makes a PDF of them with one image per page. Would this help? http://www.a-pdf.com/faq/a-program-to-convert-a-folder-of-images-to-pdf-files-in-a-simple-interface.htm
Tested generated PDFs on Kindle and they look OK. You might want to put page size a little bigger than e-reader screen size though, as too much downsizing might make text hard to read.
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Tested generated PDFs on Kindle and they look OK. You might want to put page size a little bigger than e-reader screen size though, as too much downsizing might make text hard to read.
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